chapter one -The begining

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It's been three weeks sence I started drinking and going into clubs, coming home at 5 or 6 in the morning.

It usually took me about a bottle of wine or 10 to 15 shots to come back home .

My friend tells me to stop that because "im ruining my life" ...but it's not true, my life was already ruined sence I met him...

I was a good student once, an athlete in fact.

I was in the most popular group, the swimming club where we gathered every day before clases start to either talk or to practice swimming, I alo practiced a lot of dodgeball, football, in general running and any activities, and I loved skateboarding! I made many friends who liked the same sports as me, and my goal was to win the swimming championship.

But soon my life changed, one day when I was skating going to my school to meet with the goup, I saw someone new, he was a guy that I didn't reckognize.

He had a mildly toned skin, witch I liked, but, Its not like I care, he is new I just met him... oh but his eyes... I could fall deep down looking at those dark emeralds.

"what am I doing" I thought to myself.

That day we introduced ourselves to him and he did too, his name was Stefan.

At first I saw how the other girls reacted over him and thought I should just move on, I don't care about a boy... im trying to build a career for myself, but then i catch a glimpse of him looking at me.

But I moved on I didn't think much of him until one day... a girl came over to me, it was caisy.

"hey Melody.."

"what is it?"

"well you know the new boy? "


"so silly his name is Stefan"

"oh right, what about him?"

"well he told a friend that he likes a girl from his new group, and well there aren't many girls there, and then I found out, well ya know my friend told me.."

"what are you blabbing about? Just say it already"

"fine.. he likes you girl!" she smiles

I stood shocked looking at caisy while she still talks and talks.

I close my locker shut and just walk off

"hey where are you going?"

I start walking faster to the girls bathroom, I lock myself in, and I start thinking.

I was screaming internally, one because a boy actually likes me, two because why would he like me, and he is such a ladies man, I don't know if I even like him

"why is this happening to me!"

I yell from the bathroom.

"okay calm down, this cant be real it's only a joke right, it has to be.. right?"

I calmed down and decided to confront him, I was confused as to why he likes me when he never payed attention to me or even talked to me much.

I go to the pool place and see him standing and talking to two girls and a boy.

I come close to them and look at him in the eyes with my shoulders shrugged from the intense situation.

" I gentley cough "

I was hoping he can notice me and just come with me to talk alone.

He turns his head towards me and looks at me, his face goes from calm to oh shit she is looking at me.

" hey uh, do you mind talking alone.."

"yeah sure"

I walk to the stairs and wait in the corner.

Soon enough he follows me and comes.

I start curling my hair and then it got to me, why should I act as if I like him or im shy, im not that person, im just here to make simple conversation..


"look I'm just gonna be straight with you and ask you.."


He acted very chill, with his hands in his pockets.

"so I heard rumours that .. that you liked me."

His face again changes, he stands for a second or two and then tries to say something.

"i..i uhh... yeah, its true"


I start blushing.

"but we bearly talked.."

"I know, I was afraid that I would be too forward... but now I see that was not the case.. I should have said something"

"huuhhh heh.."

I try to talk but I only mumble, I start to melt like a freaking marshmellow.

"so.. uhh wanna walk to class together ?"


"I'll see you tomorrow I guess"

"heh, yeah.. bye"

He turns around to walk but he turns around looking at me again, and then he kisses me on the cheek.

At this point I was convinced that he really likes me, and it wasn't just a joke, he actually liked me..

I started to giggle and slowly returned home.

I lived alone sense I come from another city, my old friends are all there, so I had to rent a small house.

A few days passed and we were already together, the school officially gives us a title, it was "the cute couple" title.

I started getting more close to him and started trusting him, I found out he really loves water volleyball, he loved pizza, and he is pretty darn good at math, he has brains and mussles, and he always tried to bring me a flower witch was so cute and nice of him, I can tell he cared about me.

So this was more of an introduction and how Melody's life was before Stefan came and when he was with her, but after this the story goes into more detail and i will edit all the chapters, but i hope everyone who reads like this as i do :3

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