Chapter nine- trouble

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The next few days I had more and more letters coming from Stefan almost every day, it was surprising and yet interesting because it seemed like he changed, like he was the old Stefan I knew back from school.

His letters were very self-explanatory basically he wanted to see me because he missed me, and wanted to check up on the baby, he was also curious about the father but never wrote about that much.

I enjoyed my time reading those letters, it was a way back to old memories, although I also thought of Ace and how he left me when I needed him the most.

He didn't even try to reach me or ask me how I am.

From time to time my friends would visit as always and tell me something new, something that's been going on back in the town.

Today I was sitting in the garden and my friends came to surprise me, but it was just Violet and Luna.

"surprise!" said Violet showing up from behind the corner

"we are here"

"hi guys! oh, wait where is the rest of you?"

"well Andre had to go with his family to his relatives in another city for a week, and Joe had to do some extra work for school and couldn't miss out"

"and Jojo well his parents wouldn't let him come because he was grounded"  said Luna

"Oh, that's unlucky..."

"I know right" said Violet

"I guess it's just us"

"and I see the baby has grown!"

"not a lot"

"yeah I see a little bump"

"Yeah, just a little, anyways what's new?"

They both looked at each other with a sad look.

"what is it?"

"well the thing is... we don't bring such good news" said Violet

"not at all. they are really bad"

"well tell me already!"

"it's about Ace"

"oh... well if its bad news then that's good for me because I don't care about Ace, he left me.." 

"I think you should hear what I'm about to say"

"alright, what is it?"

"Ace was found dead in a casino two days ago"

I turn my head to Violet with shock.

"Ace is dead?? but-but how?"

Suddenly I felt sick and tried to ran to the bathroom but I ended up throwing up near a tree

"oh Melody, I'm so sorry, I wish you didn't have to hear this"

"how did it... happen?"

"All we heard from the news is that Ace was gambling that night and there was a fight which caused some tables to be turned over and just a messy place, also he was shot 3 times" said Luna

"But why?"

"I think maybe Ace owed someone money so they killed him because he didn't pay, I'm not sure though It's just a theory"

I felt so sorry for Ace, like I did something wrong, he was the father of my baby after all, and I wanted my baby to know he or she has a father, but now it's not possible because he's gone, he is dead.

Violet and Luna hugged me.

Later I went upstairs to my room to write a letter to Stefan explaining about Ace.

"Dear Stefan, I'm writing this to you because I want you to know about my baby's father.

You see... I just heard news that he passed away, actually, he was killed, shot three times, I'm not sure exactly what happened but I'm sickened, I want my baby to have a father and to meet him one day, but now that's not possible.

His name was Ace, and even tho he left me to take care of this baby I really loved him, he was affectionate and loving...

Anyways I was hoping you could come and visit me sometimes, I would love to see you."

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