Chapter thirteen - Surgery

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I woke up with a mask on my face and sharp pain in my abdomen.


I turned around slowly and saw my mom talking to a nurse outside my room.

"You're awake!"

I glanced at Stefan

"ugh" I sighed with pain trying to move

"Don't get up, you need to rest"

"How was the surgery, how is the baby?"

"The baby is good, it's alive and it survived the surgery"

"It's a she not it"

"How do you know?"

"I just do." 

My mom walks into the room.

"Hey sweety, how are you feeling?"

"Sore... and dizzy, and I'm hungry"

"Well, unfortunately, the doctor said  that you can't eat anything for 20-24 hours, but they will put an IV with everything you need."

"Oh, then can I get some water please?"

"Sure thing, I will be back, Stefan keep an eye on her"

"Of course"

I look at Stefan and lend my hand forward and he takes it.

"When can I go home?"

"I don't know"

"Wait, where is my dad?"

"Um, he had something to do"

"Something more important than his daughter?"

I slowly turned around and fell asleep.

I slept for almost 12 hours until I woke up from noises around me, I opened my eyes and I saw my friends all around me, Luna, Violet, Jojo, Joe and Andre, some holding flowers and others holding some presents.

"Heyy... what are you all doing here?"

"Are you kidding, you had surgery, we came to visit you, how are you?" Asked Violet

"I've been better"

"How is the baby?" Asked Luna

"She's gonna be okay, the surgery went good"

"So what exactly happened?"

"Well, you know Ace, well he had a younger brother that I didn't know about, and one day he came to my house to threaten me, that he will take my baby, and then later he found us at a cinema, and pulled a gun on us, and somehow I ended up on the floor because Drake pushed me..."

"I'm gonna kill that motherfucker!"

"Save your breath, he was gone when he realized what he did."

"Okay, let's change the subject, we all got you some gifts, why don't you open them?"

"Sure, but I will need some help, apparently I'm hooked on some IV..."

"It's ok"

I take the presents one by one and start to open them, the present from Luna was small shoes for the baby, and the present from Jojo and Andre were some baby toys.

"Aww, thanks guys"

After opening presents, they all sat down and rested.

It was around 3 in the morning when Stefan woke up for a moment and saw someone outside the window.

It was Drake, he was staring at me when I was sleeping, then Stefan hurried outside, and Luna secretly followed him.

Stefan grabbed Drake and pushed him down

"What the hell are you doing here? you caused enough trouble, leave before I call the police!"

Luna came from behind and attacked Drake, she kicked him and punched him

"You will pay for what you did to my friend"

"I-I'm sorry I really didn't mean to push her"

"Yeah well, you did!"

"Luna, calm down"

"calm down? are you serious, after all, he did, and his brother, you act like you don't care he's here, or that he attacked my friend"

"Of course I care, I care for Melody, but this isn't gonna make it all go away"

"No, but it will make me feel better"

Stefan holds Luna back

"Stop it, we can call the police and they will take care of him"


Stefan dials 911 and tells them that the attacker is here and they should get here as quick as they can to catch him.

Morning comes and I was discharged and ready to go home.

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