chapter three - The club

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So one day I thought I needed a drink to treat my sore throat, so I went to a near by club, I looked awfull but I didn't care, I just wanted a drink, and maybe to see other couples and remind myself of us....

I ordered a martini, I drinked the first one pretty qickly, then I ordered another and then another, after my third glass a "gentleman" came over to the bar and sat next to me.

I didn't pay much attention because I came here for me, not for another guy, so I ignored him.

"hey there" he said

"what? "

"do you need help with paying that?"

"no thank you"

"how about a company, a girl like you needs a man"

"I don't need shit, now how about you mind your own damn business and let me drown in my sorrows okay?!"

"if that's what you want..."

I get another drink and I see how the barista is getting annoyed sense I drinked so much.

Suddenly a blond girl comes to me dressed in red, she wasn't my age, but she wasn't old either.

"girl, you need something stronger then that, give us two shots"

The bartender listens and pours us two glasses.

"cheers to being a soloist"

I start to laugh.

"so what brings you here?"

I don't know why but I felt like I trusted her so I told her everything.

"well my boyfriend cheated on me with my friend.."

"ouch! That bitch needs some beating.. what did you do?"

"I cut her hair off with a kitchen knife" I say in monotone voice

"damn girl.. you deserve another shot"

Later that night I felt better talking to this stranger that I somehow trusted, maybe because it was a woman not a man.

She dragged me to the dance floor with our tequila shots drinking and dancing the whole night, I wasn't dressed for the occasion, but I didn't care at all.

It was around 2 when I thought it's enough and I need to go home.

"hey listen, it was nice hanging with you, even tho I don't know you or your name.. "

"oh easy, my name is Briana"

"cool, well I have to go now"

"oh too bad"

"yeah well I got things to do.."

"okay, but promise you'll come next week, in fact let me give you my number"

We exchange numbers and I get home.

I passed on my couch and woke up around 12 with the biggest headache.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door, I got up and opened it with the little force I had.

I saw some yellow flowers on my doorstep and a letter, I took them inside and sat down to read what it said, my blurry vision didn't help but it said something like this:

"Dear Melody, this is Stefan, I'm writing this because I feel that I screwed up big time, I should have never done something like that, and I know that it hurt you, and it hurts me too to know what kind of a person i have become."

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