dear the ghost of the person i thought you were

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I miss you. The facade... or character you made me believe you were capable of being. I miss the laughs, the cuddles, and the teasing. I miss the comfort and familiarity. i miss the norm... i miss the feeling of hope i had for what you led me to believe was happening. When in fact.. the person you are.. and the person you made me believe you were are two entirely different people. You're toxic, controlling and manupipative. You cheated on me countless times.. called me countless names and abused me verbally, mentally qnd emotionally. You took things from me that I should've never given you. You are a horrid person for what youve done to me... what you continue to try and do to me to this day. You no longer have a hold on me.. at least not like you did thats for sure. I've healed a bit from the hheartbreak you've caused. I no longer want you.. i realize now what type of person you are. You belong where the most evil entitys rot. AAlong with your whore. Now, normally im not one to wish bad upon people. at least I've been improving upon that fact but for you two? I wish you nothing but pain, sadnees and death. I know karma will get you and on that day, i will smile. I dont regret what i thought we had.. i regret believing your lies and taking you back each and every time you hurt me. I've grown. Im smarter now.. braver now.. stronger now. You no longer own or control me. You are nothing to me. You both aren't worth the dirt on the bottom of my shoe. I hope you rot in hell!

Sincerely, the girl you broke.

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