Chapter 2

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(Y/N)'s POV

I wake up in my room because of my alarm clock at a considerably early hour. I was told by Mr. Speedy Boy that class started at 7:15 AM so I thought it was a good idea to get up at 6:30.

I reluctantly get up from my bed and go over to my new uniform which I had laid out on top of on of the boxes. Probably the piano where my piano is in but I really can't tell.

After getting dressed, brushing my teeth, putting deodorant on, and all that stuff, I grab my bag and walk out of my room to find three dudes waiting for me. One with red hair, another one with yellow hair, and the last one with black hair and weird tape things on his elbows.

"Morning sunshine!" The yellow haired one said.


"Sorry, guess we didn't introduce ourselves properly. I'm Kirishima, and these are Kaminari and Sero" the red haired boy said while pointing at the other two.

"Nice to meet ya" said Sero with his hand out for a handshake.

"Yeah, nice to meet you" I said while shaking tithe boy's hand.

"Iida told us to accompany you to class today so you didn't get lost on your way there" said Kirishima.

"Oh you mean Mr. Gotta Go Fast, yeah that makes sense. So what are we waiting for let's go" I said wanting to get these introductions out of the way.

"Wait, aren't you hungry? I mean, we've already eaten breakfast but what about you?" asked Sero.

"I'll just eat a sandwich on our way there, let's go" I say while showing them a sandwich I had made on my room after washing up.

And so we started walking to class. We talked about a lot of random things about how I was transferred from an American hero program, and how I had already met Jiro at the records store, which Kaminari seemed extra interested about.

We eventually arrived at the classroom where I met eyes with a certain familiar tomboy. I flashed a quick grin at her just to mess with her, which she gladly responded with a face of annoyance and by looking back at her friends.

Eventually class started, and I've gotta say everything before lunch was pretty standard stuff like math and English. I spent lunch with the guys that accompanied me to class and Mr. "There Goes the Dynamite", which I wasn't so fond of.

But everything changed when lunch ended.

We were going to have Foundational Hero Studies with the one and only All Might.

Aka. The (ex) number one hero.

Aka. The (ex) symbol of peace.

Aka. The living legend.

Aka. The single most arrogant and narcissistic creature ever to step onto this world.

Jirou's POV

When lunch ended and we all headed back to class. We were going to have hero studies, so when All Might arrived to start the class I looked towards the idiot (L/N)'s face to see his reaction. But I didn't see what anything that was to be expected. Instead of a face of amazement or wonder like most of our faces when we saw him for the first time, or a face of fake indifference like Bakugou or even his normal annoying grin I saw a serious face.

No, it wasn't only serious it was something else. Something bad and strong. Maybe annoyance, or maybe something like anger. Or maybe even disgust.

And I'm sure I wasn't the only who noticed because the whole class just completely shut up.

All Might though, acted as if he didn't notice it, and told us to go to one of the fake cities after we had gotten ourselves our hero suits, so we could do some team exercises.

When we arrived at the place All Might told us we were going to have a game of 3v3 capture the flag, and to top it all off the teams were going to be randomly selected.

And of course! OF COURSE!! I was going to get the most "interesting" team possible! Me, Kaminari and (L/N)! And of course we're up against Yao-Momo, Bakugou and Izuku!

We were told that we were going to be the ones on defense and for us to go to the fake municipal park, position our flag and prepare ourselves for when the bell telling us to begin.

Kaminari grabs the flag and we make our way there. We arrive there and (L/N), who is casual clothes and a read cloak speaks up.

"I've got an idea" he says. No witty remarks no sarcastic jokes, no annoying grin. Just him saying he's got an idea.

"I can probably hold the three of them off by myself. I'll go, and if anyone of them gets past me, you stop them. How does that sou-"

"Are you cray!?" Kaminari interrupts. "They are some of our strongest classmates! Who do you think you are!?"

"I think I can do it" he responds with a blank face.

"You can't!! Listen to me, this is no time to get your ego involved!" Kaminari says, which finally seems to get a response out of (L/N). He quickly turns away and angrily says:

"Don't confuse confidence with arrogance. It's a thin line I know, but don't confuse me with those people. Those kinds people. They disgust me."

He started walking away towards the entrance to the park. That idiot he's going to get himself hurt. Like really hurt.

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