Chapter 8

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Kyoka's POV

Today is the day after me and (Y/N) confessed to each other and started dating. We debated wether we should tell the class or if we should keep it a secret, and after a good amount of talking over it I managed to convince him that we shouldn't keep it a secret, and if people asked we should tell them the truth.

He seemed slightly weirded out that I insisted so much on telling the truth, but I have my reasons. Or rather, reason. That reason being class 1-A Vice President: Momo Yaoyorozu. From what (Y/N) told me it seemed like she was also going to confess to (Y/N) yesterday, and I just got the upper hand because of the message I had sent the day before.

And I know it kind of seems like I betrayed her or something, but put yourself in my shoes for a second. I didn't know she was going to confess to him that same day, I had already asked him to meet up before she even told me she liked him, and he confessed to me before I confessed to him. But still she does deserve an explanation.

Right now I'm heading to class alone, lost in my thoughts when someone hugs me and lifts me from behind, which surprises me and makes a squeal of surprise escape my mouth.

"Hehe, scared you didn't I?" I hear (Y/N) say. I can only imagine his sleazy grin right now.

"(Y-Y/N), put me down!" I ordered. He of course complied and set me down. I turned around to see his grin at full display. "Morning Kyoka" he says with a smile.

"Morning" I say while looking away. "Aw, don't get mad" he says walking past me. I turn around and start walking by his side. He grabs my hand which makes me blush and gives me one of his AirPods so we hear music on our way to class.

When we get to class everyone sees me and (Y/N) holding hands which makes me blush, but when I look over to see his reaction he seems completely unfazed. Immediately the whole class except Midoriya, Bakugou, Iida, Yao-Momo and Kaminari start bombarding us with questions, and (Y/N) looks more annoyed than I've ever seen him before. And if you know him you know that's saying a lot.

"Hey Kyoka, think you can handle them on your own? I'm going to doze off at my desk" I just nod. "Thanks. But don't tell them everything, kay?" he says with a wink, which makes me blush. That alone probably doubled the amount of questions I'll have to answer/dodge.

After a while I managed to answer a good amount of questions from people like Uraraka and Mina while ignoring everything that came out of Grape Boy's mouth. Eventually I was left alone at my desk, that is until Yao-Momo walked up to me with a serious look on her face and her arms crossed.

"Kyoka we need to talk" she said blankly and with a serious tone in her voice. "Let's talk during lunch. Mr. Aizawa is probably on his wa-" and almost on cue the door opens to reveal a sleepy Aizawa heading to the podium. Yao-Momo then sighs and heads to her desk.

I managed to drag through homeroom, math and English to when lunchtime finally arrived. The instant the bell rang Yao-Momo heads toward me, I stand up and speak up first.

"Let's go talk on the roof. It's probably empty like usual" I suggest to which she agrees by nodding. We start heading towards the door when we hear someone call us out.

"Hey Kyoka, Yao-Momo wait up!" we turn around to see (Y/N) walking towards us. "Let's go for lunch together" he says with a smile which makes Yao-Momo blush ever so slightly.

"Actually, we need to talk privately about something. Sorry" I say with an apologetic look. He looks kind of disappointed by what I said but understands. "No worries, you go talk about whatever it is you need to talk about. See you later" he says walking past us and towards Lunch Rush.

After that little delay we go up to the rooftop in complete silence. Upon arriving there we both sit at the edge, the same place me and (Y/N) talked at yesterday. We sit there, without anyone saying anything for awhile until Yao-Momo decides to speak up.

"Tell me what happened" she says. "Uh?" "Tell me what happen yesterday. Everything, from beginning to end" and so I do. I tell her from me sending a message for us to meet up when I was in bed, to us confessing, to me asking him to spend the rest of the day with me, and finally spending the rest of the day hanging out at his room.

After I finish saying everything we stand there in silence for a while until Yao-Momo stands up and I look at her confused. "Thank you, Kyoka. Thank you for telling me all this" she says. I stand up. "Y-You're not mad?" I ask confused. When I look at her I see that she's crying.

"Not really. I'm actually pretty happy for you. I'm just a bit sad" she says with a smile, but still crying. I start feeling bad for my best friend and grab my phone to text a certain someone. When she notices it she looks at me with a confused look. "Who are you texting?" she asks, "I'm telling (Y/N) that you like him and to get his ass up here to apologize for making you sad" I say blankly. "W-Wait what!?"

She runs and grabs my phone but it's too late since I've already sent the message. She momentarily sighs in defeat, until a few seconds later when she starts giggling, and a bit later the giggles turn into a fit of laughter. "W-what happened?" I ask, to which she hands me back my phone while still laughing hysterically so I can take a look at what she was laughing about.


Kyoka: (Y/N) get your ass up to the roof YaoMomo likes you and is crying because of you come apologize now!!!

(Y/N) <3: WTF



End of Texts

WHAT!? He thought she liked Todoroki!?!? At this point I'm also laughing hysterically on the ground when we hear a loud noise coming from the door that led to the rooftop.

We turn around to see (Y/N) who had kicked the door open and was walking towards us. When he's more or less like a meter away from Yao-Momo, who holding her laughter he drops down to his knees and puts his head on the ground.

"Momo Yaoyorozu! I'm sorry for being such a dumbass and making you cry!" he says shouting. Finally Yao-Momo regains her composure and stops laughing. "Don't worry. But Todoroki? Really?" she says giggling as   (Y/N) was standing up. "Yeah man, I thought you were supposed to be smart" I say punching his elbow lightly.

"Shut up" he says also kind of laughing at himself. "But seriously Yao-Momo, let me do something to make it up to you. Anything". I then get jealous and go up to him to pinch his cheek. "Ow, Ow! Okay I get it, almost anything"

Yao-Momo giggles and puts her finger on her chin and thinks about it for a second. "Okay I got it!" we look at her confused for a second. "Let's continue being the best of friends, the three of us!" she exclaims.

Me and (Y/N) smile, look at each other and nod. We turn back to see her and I say with a smile:

"Our pleasure!"

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