Chapter 3

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Izuku's POV

10 minutes pass and me Kaachan and Yaoyorozu entre the park. As we enter we see (L/N) alone squatting with his hands on the ground, probably so that he doesn't fall face first into the ground. This is extremely suspicious so the three of us stand out ground in case they laid any traps in front of us and he's just being used as bait.

"What are you doing (L/N)?" asked Yaoyorozu.

"I thought I could handle the three of you on my own so here I am" he says with a smile.

"You piece of shit! Let's beat him up!!" Screams Kaachan, so we all start to run towards him. Except we couldn't. Because looking down we could see that the ground had gone up and covered our feet. We were stuck to the ground.

I see (L/N) then running towards us. Me and Kaachan quickly manage to free ourselves because of our quirks but Yaoyorozu isn't as fortunate and ends up being kicked on the back of her hair, which immediately knocks her out.

(L/N) then calmly walks towards a light pole pits his hand on it and suddenly parts of the pole start disappearing and the same metal material starts forming a spear on his hand.

"One down, two to go" he says, still smiling.

Kaachan, who is completely pissed off by now starts flying towards him, when I notice that (L/N) kneels back down and lays his hands on the ground. And before I can warn him, a hand comes from the ground and punches him in the gut, which doesn't directly knock him out but the immediate whack to the back of the head with the opposite side of the spear.

He then faces back at me, with a smile and says "you're the only one left broccoli boy". Broccoli Boy!? No I can't loose focus. This guy's strong. Really strong. I need, to focus! And so I put my best brave smile, which contrasts with his "sadistic" smile I guess?

"You got a really cute smile you know? Too bad I have to knock you out" he says which is then followed by him kneeling down again.

Suddenly a huge pillar of dirt and stone raises from the ground and then comes after me which I manage to get out of the way of by an inch or two. I instantly go on the counter attack and run up to him as fast as I can, jump towards him and kick him, which he defends with his spear that at least breaks in half.

He backs up a little and kneels down back again. Another huge pillar raises from the ground, considerably larger than the one before, and then comes after me again. I manage to barely avoid it again by jumping up to the right which leaves me airborne for a few seconds, which shouldn't be a problem.

That is, it wouldn't be a problem, if he hadn't also been controlling a somewhat smaller pillar behind me. I immediately then feel a horrible pain in my back and am launched towards (L/N) who grabs my neck while midair and slams me into the ground.

Everything is starting to get foggy and I can't keep my eyes open any longer. God damn it. Fu...

(Y/N)'s POV

Well that's done. I gotta day they do show some potential, but Mrs."Way too much skin" 's reaction time is really low and Explosions Mc Boom Boom's temperament needs some work. But that human Broccoli though, he shows a lot of promise. Too bad I couldn't find IcyHot though, the dude looked really strong.

"Yo (L/N)!" I hear someone shouting from somewhat far away. I turn towards the sound and see Pikachu and Tomboy running towards me. They finally arrive and start panting with their hands on their knees.

"Weren't you supposed to stay with the flag, god you two are hopeless..." I say while looking at them.

"Jirou was kind of more or less listening to the battle by connecting her headphone jacks to the ground, so when the sound suddenly stopped she got scared you got your ass beat so we came to check over. But clearly that's not what happened..." he says while scanning the other team's unconscious bodies on the floor.

Immediately Jirou runs towards Mrs."How the  fuck is a minor wearing this?" and picks her up to inspect her.

"She doesn't seem to be heavily injured just a bad bruise on the back of her head, so that's good" she says with a sigh. Suddenly the speakers start to talk.

"Could the winning team please carry the loosing team over to the nurse's office" we here All Might telling us through the microphone.

Each one of us carries one of them to the Recovery Girl's office and after the rest of the teams go we are told to grab our things and return to the dorms. On my way back, I'm listening to the absolute banger "Bitch Lasagna" with my headphones on when someone taps my shoulder.

I take my headphones off and look back to find, to my surprise, Jirou.

"Hey" she says.

"Hey" I answer back. Silence fills the air until I decide to ask her what she wants. "Soooo, is there anything I can help you with? Because if you want my Gorillaz vynil you could do both of us a favor and just don't".

"What? No that's not it I was just curious about how you beat the other team back then so easily." she says, seeming actually somewhat curious.

"Oh, well my quirk is Alchemy so as long as I'm touching something with one of my hands I can use that thing's materials to create something else. So if I have my hands on a metal fridge I can make a metal spear out of it, but then the fridge won't have any metal. Take that, a few years of martial arts training and an uncoordinated team for an adversary and that's how."

"Wow, so you've got a pretty incredible quirk huh?" she says, seeming to enjoy herself.

"Well yeah but you've got a quirk that matches your personality. I suppose you're a big fan of music right?"

"Yup, I can even play a few instruments like the  bass" she says while looking down.

"Really!? That's amazing!" I say surprised that there's someone else on my class that knows how to play an instrument.

"I-It's not a big deal" she says looking down, but with a pretty visible blush.

"Awwww, you're embarrassed!" I say. What? Teasing's fun.

"Shut up!" She shouts back at me which I respond to with a fit of laugher.

We continue talking until we arrive at the dorms where we part ways. And you know what? Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought it'd be after all.

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