The Final Chapter

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(Y/N)'s POV

I slowly woke up as I heard the sound of the alarm clock repeatedly making the beeps I heard every morning at 7:15 AM. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw the ceiling of my room before I quickly looked to my right where my alarm clock was.

I usually just slammed down on the buttons on top of it with my right arm after waking up, quickly silencing it, but without my right arm I had to actually get up to press the buttons with my left hand now. Grabbing my phone I saw a text that had been sent last night from Mr. Aizawa.

"Your friend will be arriving at about 9 AM next morning, you better be ready by then" I read out loud. Guess I fell asleep before seeing the message. Sloppily getting into some casual clothes consisting of just a T-shirt and basketball shorts, I made my way downstairs to make some breakfast... somehow.

Arriving downstairs I got a lot of looks of sympathy and good mornings from my classmates that were already downstairs. I sat down with Kaminari and YaoMomo who were already awake and sitting in the same table together eating some waffles.

When they saw me, instead of looks of sympathy I got genuine smiles, which in turn made me smile as I sat down in a chair in the same table as them. "Good morning guys" I said as the both of them greeted me the same way.

"You made these right YaoMomo?" I asked as she nodded. "How did you know?" "Well, Kaminari obviously didn't do it so..." "Oh, come on!" he said as me and YaoMomo laughed. "I think Jirou has left too much of an influence on you (L/N)" "You say that like it's a bad thing" I heard my girlfriend's voice say behind me.

"Good morning guys, good morning (Y/N)" she said sitting down next to me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I looked at the stack of waffles in front of me and asked if I could eat some, which YaoMomo said that I obviously could.

Looking at the waffles in my plate I was hit with a realization. How exactly was I supposed to cut them? Letting a big sigh leave my mouth I got the attention of Kyoka who looked at me and almost immediately realized what the problem was.

Scooting her seat closer to mine without saying a word she began cutting my waffles into pieces so I could eat them. Looking at her I could tell that even this was making her slightly blush and so I had an idea of how to just have some fun with her.

When she was done cutting my breakfast she got back to eating her own, when I interrupted her. "Hey Kyoka" "Hm?" she responded while still chewing on her food "Feed me". She seemed to not see my question coming, and she was so surprised in fact that she began coughing on her food, so I began patting her back.

"You can still hold your fork with your left hand, do it yourself" she said getting herself together. "Are you embarrassed?" I asked playfully, trying to push her to actually do it. After I said that, YaoMomo and Kaminari left the table with their plates because since they got started eating before us, they were already done.

With a blush on her face she looked to the sides to see if anyone was watching, before stabbing one of the pieces she had cut on my plate with her fork. Holding up the piece of food, with a huge blush she slowly moved the fork with the bit of waffle towards my mouth which I bit down on and happily ate.

Looking back at her I saw that her blush had died down a bit and she was smiling at me happily. We kept this up until my plate was completely empty, so we switched rolls and I started feeding her while she smiled and giggled. God, I have such a cute girlfriend.

After we were done I got my phone and went to the sofas in front of the TV to check up on how much I'd have to wait for her to arrive as Kyoka went up to get ready for the day. Apparently she was only about thirty minutes from the dorms and she had all her things with her, so if everything went as planned she could just do her little operation here.

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