Chapter 7

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Jirou's POV

Right now I'm in class waiting for everyone to arrive. I'm the only here though because I couldn't sleep well after last night's "interesting" turn of events. But as bad as it was I finally helped me realize something. Something that seemed really obvious in retrospect.

I like (Y/N).

The realization finally came to me when I was in my bed thinking about the whole events that had just transpired, when I started thinking about (Y/N).

I started thinking about how he immediately went to my help when he saw what was happening, then I started thinking about how serious and cool he looked when he told the 1-B boys to leave with Momoma, then about how strongly he punched Monoma and how strong he is in general, which then was followed by how strong he was in all aspects possible, like intelligence, musically, physically,and of course looks wise.

I spent a lot of time thinking about what I should do and I decided confidently that I'd confess to him today. I even sent him a message to meet me at the school rooftop after classes were over for the day. And actually I'm pretty confident. I feel like nothing can come in the way of me and telling (Y/N) how I feel.

While I was lost in thought though, my good friend Yao-Momo entered the classroom looking nervous.

"Hey Yao-Momo whats up?" I ask her. She closes the classroom door and heads to a chair next to me. "Kyoka, I need to tell you a secret, but you can't tell a soul. Promise?" she asks me, clearly very nervous. So of course, I agree.

"I. I. I l-like (Y-Y/N)" she says looking down with a blush on her face, fidgeting with her hands.

Silence fills the air as I try to process what my best friend just said.

She likes (Y/N).
Momo Yaoyorozu likes (Y/N).
Momo Yaoyorozu, the smartest and most beautiful girl in class, likes (Y/N).

W-why him? Why not anyone else? Why couldn't it be Todoroki? WHY!?

How am I supposed to compete with HER!?!?
This isn't fair!!! What am I supposed to do now!?

There's no way I can tell him now! But I already sent that message to him! What about lunch, where the three of us will be sitting together with Kaminari!

While all these thoughts are going through my head Yao-Momo has a perplexed and confused look on her face. As if she was waiting for a response like "go get em girl!", or maybe "I'm sure he likes you too!". But suddenly Kaminari, Bakugou, Kirishima and Sero enter the classroom. I swear to good I never thought I'd be happy to see Bakugou.

It seemed like Yao-Momo was going to whisper something into my ear when (Y/N) entered the classroom with his headphones on, which sent both of us both into a blushing mess. He took a quick look, and after seeing us he decided to shrug it off and go sit on his desk and continue hearing music on his own.

Oh boy. This is going to be a really long day.

(Y/N)'s POV

It's 2:30 PM and the bell rings signaling the end of the school day, which reminds me of the message I received from Kyoka, who grabbed her things and rushed out of the classroom immediately after the bell rang.

I haven't spoken to her today yet since I woke up way too late this morning and when I arrived in class she was already talking to Yao-Momo, and when I looked at them they were blushing so I thought they were talking about something private so I decided not to interrupt. I also didn't get the chance to talk to her at lunch because Principal Nezu wanted to talk about what had happened yesterday at the party. Of course I changed some little details here and there, like saying that Monoma was the only one drinking alcohol instead of 50% of the teens there.

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