Chapter 5

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(Y/N)'s POV

It's been a week since we started workin on the hero agency project and me and my team are basically done. All that we have left to do is figure out some kind of marketing scheme.

Aizawa gave us time to work on the project during class so right now the four of us are sitting on a circle brainstorming.

"I got it!" Kaminari exclaims which catches the rest of the team's attention. "Let's make a music video!" no one says anything while we are all trying to process what he just said.

"You know what that's actually a pretty good idea" says Yaoyorozu.

"Hell yeah, let's do this!" Jirou adds enthusiastically.

"Ok then, but we need to make out the specifics before we start recording, like is it going to be an original song, just a cover, are just going to use the original audio of someone else's music, etc" everyone agreed and we started talking out the details. On the end we agreed to do a music video with a cover of a song that we were yet too choose, and the video would showcase all of our quirks synchronized to the music.

"Ok now what song should we choose? Well first of all can any of us sing or rap or any of that stuff?" asked Yaoyorozu.

"I can" Jirou said.

"I can" I said.

Silence fills the air, because of every single one of us trying to think of what to do. The silence was eventually broken but not by any of the team members. No it was actually a certain pink girl that decided to speak up.

"Why don't you guys do a duet?" we are all surprised by the new voice suddenly stating their idea. It was Mina Ashido that had suggested the idea of a duet. The idea that all of us had thought of, but none had actually suggested for some reason.

"I mean, I guess it's a pretty good idea" Jirou says. "Yeah, that would be pretty cool" Kaminari adds as Yaoyorozu just nods in agreement. Guess we're doing this now.

"Ok then, me and Jirou will decide on a song since we're the ones performing it and then you'll agree or disagree sounds fair?" everyone just nods.

"Great so let's de-" "Ok class, we're done for today. Get your things and go do whatever teens do" I am interrupted my Aizawa telling us that classes are over for the day.

I sigh in frustration and go over to my things,  put my notebooks in my bag and start heading back to the dorms. I faintly hear Kaminari's voice calling for me but I ignore it and continue my way to the dorms.

Jirou's POV

"Yo (L/N), wait up!" Kaminari shouts but he continues walking and we lose sight of him when he crosses the classroom's door. "Geez, what a dick" says Kaminari.

"At least he's not a pervert dude" I tell him. "I'm not a pervert!" "Yeah sure keep telling yourself that". For the first time ever it seems like Kaminari is actually seriously mad at something.

"What do you think Yaoyorozu?"  asks. "Huh, what?" Momo is caught off guard since she seemed to be starring into space where (L/N) just was. "What do you think about (L/N)?" he asks again.

"What! W-Why?" Momo starts blushing like mad, looks down and starts fidgeting with her hands. "Uh, I don't know... He's clearly really strong and quite smart from what I can tell by how he's been helping on the project. He also has this weird essence to him. He can be kind of rude but it's clearly just for fun, he isn't actually mean like Bakugou. He also plays the guitar beautifully and he's kind of charming in a weird way. He can also be pretty ha-"

"Sounds like someone's got a crush 🎶" Kaminari something sings with a grin on his face which makes the blush on Momo's face 10 times more visible. "Wh-what!? N-no way!" Momo then proceeds to grab her things and speed walk out of the class.

As I grab my things and go my way back to the dorms I keep thinking about what Kaminari said. Could Yao-Momo actually have a crush on (L/N)? But he doesn't seem like her type. And she barely even knows him. I've spent much more time with him. She doesn't have a crush on him, she doesn't have a crush on him, she doesn't, she doesn't! Why is this bothering me so much!?!?!?

By now I'm on my bed with a pillow covering my head. Why? Why does the idea of Yao-Momo and (L/N) together brother me so fucking much!? I'm hugging the pillow as hard as I can when I hear someone knocking on the door.

I let go of the pillow and make my way to the door. When I open it to my surprise I see (L/N) standing there with his acoustic guitar. When I see this I instantly sense the blood go up to my head and a blush forming on my face, so I look down so he doesn't see it.

"(L-L/N). W-what are you doing here?" I ask while playing with my headphone jacks. "I figured I'd come so we could decide on a song for the project. And I didn't know if you had an acoustic guitar so..." he says then pointing to his guitar.

"O-oh, ok come in" I go to the side and he walks into my room. Just me and him in my room... Oh my god what am I thinking!!??

We end up just talking for hours about music, messing around with my instruments and trying to decide on a song to cover for the project.

All around it was just a really fun afternoon and evening, with someone that even though I've only known for very little. Feels like I've known them forever.

"Anyways I should probably get going I don't want Iida to snap at me" he says with a grin. "Oh but I do want to ask you one thing" he asks while he's grabbing his guitar. "Oh sure what is it?" "Stop calling me (L/N). I know it's very informal here to call someone by their first name here, but it feels odd to have a good friend call me by my last name. So please, call me (Y/N)"

Oh god. I can't see myself right now but I just know I'm a blushing mess. But I can't go down, I have to do my part. "O-ok, but then you need to call me Kyoka!" I say/shout to him. He just smiled turns away and continues to walk to my room's door.

"Good night. Kyoka" he says as he closed the door.

"Good night. (Y/N)"

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