» eleven «

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chaejin was dead when she reached the hospital.

she lost too much blood.

it was a shame.

she had a big chance to heal but the traffic that the ambulance experienced on the way to the hospital was unbelievable.

eunsol just feels like shit.

she rethinks all the things chaejin said to her and they all turned out to be true.

"at least there's no one there to bully you anymore." her mom said reassuringly.

how fucked up is that?

she lies on her bed, refusing to get up or go to school.

she opens her phone and a new notification popped out.

anonymous tagged you and 72 others on a post!

she felt herself go pale and a shiver crawled down her spine.

she clicks on the notif that takes her to facebook.

@baeunsol killed han chaejin!
she is bad luck! bad luck! what a

there were no pictures attached.

her eyes shook in mortification.

so anonymous wasn't chaejin?


two days after chaejin's death, a friday, eunsol's mother forced her to go to school.

she didn't want to.

but she knew she had to.

the first thing that greet her when she entered school were the cold stares of everyone.

there were people whispering, glaring, looking her up and down disgustingly.

"hi, nahye." she greeted her friend who passed by her with a smile.

"don't talk to me, you living piece of shit." she rolled her eyes and walked away.

"pardon?" she asked.

"hey, eunsol. how does it feel to be the physical manifestation of death?" two girls who she doesn't know asked her.

eunsol was surprised into silence by their choice of words.

"she doesn't know, does she?" one of the girls fake gasped.

"of course she does, let's just refresh her brain." the other said, "chaejin unnie's last words were 'bae eunsol is bad luck' and she kept repeating it until she died."

"which means you killed her!" the first girl assumed.

"i didn't kn-"

"oh my god, we really shouldn't be here. she smells like a corpse."

"we might die standing next to her. let's just go."

they left just like that.

during the rest of the calls, everyone kept calling her names, ignoring her, throwing pieces of trash to her and insulting her.

she locked herself inside the bathroom while she shies away and cries silently.

she remembers all the things they said;

"the golden girl? more like the rotten bitch."

"she used to be so likeable but it's true! she generates the destruction of people!"

"i don't know what happened to her."

"the rumors are real. hadam wasn't lying to us. she is a slut."

"even jaemin stayed away after what he heard. no way a guy like that will get caught up with a tainted girl."

"she's a killer."

he was getting impatient and angry. very, very, very angry.

because one, he didn't know who did this.

and two, he can't kill the suspect because of the first reason stated.

he was tempted to just massacre everyone she came in contact with but he held his ground, whoever did this to her, i'm going to kill them slow.

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