False Hope

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The blood seeps into the ground

As I stare at the stars.

I lay in the grass

Absentmindedly picking at blades of grass.

The red substance flows out of my mouth,

And it seeps from my eyes

With every lie.

I only drive the knife in my stomach deeper

With every choice I make.

Slowly killing myself as my humanity slips.

Sometimes people stop and try to stitch it up,

But they always give up.

They abandon trying to take the knife out.

It's deep inside me,

Hard to pull out

As my skin sticks to the sides

While the blade is being tugged at.

Eventually they give up,

Say I'm a lost cause.

Walk away.

Eventually they may be replaced,

But no one stays long.

And others,

They are to blind to see my pain.

My struggle.

I'm just the cold hearted bitch.

But they never see past the mask I put up.

Never try to see me,


They might try and help pull the knife out.

The knife I slowly embed deeper into my stomach.

But they'd give up too.


They just make the process slower.

Give me false hope.

And I fall for it every time.

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