The cold is numbing.
Trudging through the snow,
Icy crystals fill ratty sneakers.
Hands and feet turn blue,
Blending into the night.
Bundle of blanket squirms,
A mother tries to calm him;
Arms wrapped around his tiny frame
To shield him from the cold.
Wind rips through the light jacket,
Chilling bones to their core.
Heavy breaths blur the air,
Sending swirls of mist in her face.
Invisible ice tries to trip her,
Almost sending the bundle into the snowy ditch.
Carefully up the stairs,
Careful not to trip again.
Brush the snow off the porch,
To ward off the cold.
Gently lay the baby down,
Giving it one last kiss goodbye.
Ring the doorbell.
Three times.
Cower behind the bushes,
Waiting for the door to open.
It doesn't though,
No lights turn on.
She walks up to the bundle,
Picking him up lovingly.
Repeat the process
As many times as it takes.
By the six try,
Hands are blue,
Finger tips black.
The door cracks open.
A little boy comes out
And looks at the small baby.
With a smile, bring the bundle inside.
Deep breath out.
No tears.
She promised no tears,
This was for the best.
Content with her child's fate,
Curl up on the ground.
Finally allow the sleep to consume.
A snowy blanket to ensure eternal slumber.