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It's holiday at Guanlin's school. But it's not holiday for Guanlin. Cause he still have a lot of work from his father company.

"I made you a coffee." Jihoon said as he put the cup of coffee on the table. "Oh, thanks." He grabbed the coffee and took a sip. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" Jihoon asked. "You can go now. I'm too busy that I can't fuck you. So don't bother me for a while." Jihoon pouted. He wished that Guanlin could fuck him till he can't move.

"Tchh... I want my ass fill with your semen, master." Jihoon mumbled. Guanlin sighed as he pulled his glasses away and put it on the table. "You slutty dog. How bout you try to make me want to fuck you right now." Guanlin said as he turned his face to look at Jihoon. "I... I don't know how to seduce anymore." Jihoon blushed. "A slut like you?"

Jihoon mumbled. "Cause you accept me for who I am." "What did you say?" Jihoon turned away. "Nothing. I should go watch TV." Jihoon walked to the remote and then Guanlin said, "Hey, have you ever thought wanting to go to college?" Jihoon blinked in surprised. "College? Someone like me?" Guanlin nodded. "... I did once." Jihoon answered. "But you know my life, right? I only do sex in my entire life. I have no knowledge." Jihoon grinned. "Sex is all I need to live. That is it."

Guanlin walked to Jihoon and held his cheeks. "Hm? What are you do-?!" Guanlin pressed his tongue to Jihoon's lips. He licked on entire lips. And so, Jihoon opened his mouth to let Guanlin's tongue play inside the mouth. "Angghh...! Nghh...!" A sound made by Jihoon as Guanlin pushed him down to the floor.

"Didn't you say you're too busy?" Guanlin pulled Jihoon's shirt up as he found himself where he want to touch. "It can be wait right?" He pinched at Jihoon's nipple. "Akhh!" Jihoon's going to wrapped his arms around Guanlin's neck but Guanlin grabbed them with his big hand and pinned it down on top of Jihoon's head. "I didn't told you to hold me right?" He pinched even harder to make Jihoon moan. "Aghh! Noo! It hurts!" Jihoon hand struggle to let free but because his hand just too strong, he couldn't break free. "Anghh... stoop..." "don't you like it here?" Guanlin sucked his nipple. "Nooohhh... angghhh... Laii..." He panted un-normally. His saliva are drolling everywhere. Guanlin notice that Jihoon's pants already wet. He pulled the pants and saw a white liquid.

"I only touch you at your nipple and you already cum? It's not even 5 minutes." Guanlin said. Jihoon looked away. "It's because... You are the one who touch me..." Guanlin used his other hand to touch his chin. "When you talk, you should look at my face." Guanlin dragged Jihoon's face to make him look at Guanlin. And when he did, he widen his eyes.

Saliva everywhere, eyes already teary, face that red of embarrassed. And more ever, the lewd face that Guanlin love the most. He unpinned the hand and stood up to get away from Jihoon. "Uh... master?"

"You can go wherever you want today. I still have work to do." Guanlin said. Jihoon looked quite disappointed.  "You know master, you shouldn't work too hard. At your age, give it some time of freedom for a while. I mean, you are still young. Work something like this makes you even tired. Don't you think?"

Guanlin gripped the mousepad he touched. "You don't know anything..." "Eh?" And then Jihoon surprise that Guanlin slammed the table. "You don't know anything about me! All you know is just sex right?! You don't know how hard I work to make my fucking father realize that I don't need his company! So don't you dare lecturing me! You're nothing but a slut!" His yelled has succeed to widen Jihoon's eyes. Guanlin realized what he just say.

"Umm... I'm sorry for what I say to you. I didn't mean to lecturing or some shit. Ahaha... And yeah. I'm just a slut that doesn't have knowledge at all." Jihoon smiled as if nothing happen. "Then, excuse me and sorry to bother you." He turned back and left to room. Guanlin only reached his hand but failed to hold him. He then gripped his hand.

"I didn't mean to say that. You stupid dog. ....." He rubbed his hair. "No. I'm the one who stupid here."


Jihoon walked while thinking what Guanlin just said. "A slut... that's my nickname for him. A slutty dog... Am I... really useless? I don't really want that he leave me. I don't want him to abandon me. Just like what mother did..." His body began tremble. "How can I make you mine?"

And suddenly, someone held Jihoon's shoulder. "Hey Jihoon." Jihoon turned back but it's not the person he wish to meet. "Who the fuck are you?" "Aww you forgot about me? It's your lovely boyfriend, Hyeop." Jihoon slapped his hand away from the shoulder. "Sorry. Maybe because you are bad at doing sex with me till I forget when I did it." Jihoon said. "How mean...  Hey, why don't we get something to drink? I'll pay." Jihoon sighed. "Well, if it's free then I don't mind at all."

They went to the club and drinking some beer while watching some pole dance. "Hey, I haven't seen you around for a while. Usually you went here with different man right? Where have you been?" He asked. "None of your business!" Jihoon said while drinking the beer. "Sir, another glass of beer!" Jihoon yelled. "Oi, oi, This is the fourth one! I know you love sex and doing some adult stuff, but you're still a kid."

"Hah?! What the heck are you saying!? Can't you see I'm all grown up?! Anyway, it's free beer for me. So why not?" He drank the beer that just serve. "Are you drunk?" Hyeop looked at Jihoon's red face. "No I am not!" Jihoon ordered another beer. "Anyway, you do have something you want from me, right?" Jihoon glared at Hyeop. "Hah? What are you talking about?" "There must be something you want from me. What is it? You want my body?" He reach his hand to Hyeop's chest.

"You figure it out huh? Well, I do want to touch you for so long-" "But I'm sorry, I can't do it anymore." Jihoon had stopped drinking. "What?"

"My body already belong to someone else. Not just because he can satisfy me. He stole my heart. For the first time I feel so... in love." His face began to flush. Hyeop look at Jihoon red face that he never seen it before. "You really love this dude huh?" Jihoon nodded shyly. "Well, I won't accept this." Jihoon didn't hear cause of the music or cause Hyeop mumbling. "What?"

Hyeop gave him another glass of beer. "Here. It's my treat right? And good luck for your love." Jihoon smiled. "Thanks." He drank the beer till finish. "Hey." Jihoon mumbled. "Hm? What is it?" Jihoon grabbed Hyeop's collar and pulled it closer to his face. "Ji... Jihoon?" Hyeop already prepare himself that Jihoon would kissed him. In the end, he didn't feel his lips been shut but heard a question with furious.

"What did you put on the last glass?!" Hyeop opened his eyes and saw Jihoon angry face. "What, what are you talking about Jihoon? It must cause by how many glass you drank." Hyeop said. "Don't play fool with me. I told you before, I'm... not a kid...! I can tell you put something on the last beer!" His eyes began to drowzy. The nervous Hyeop began to grin evilly.

"As expected Park Jihoon. You know well." Jihoon slowly loosen his hand from Hyeop's collar. "You... jerk...!" Hyeop rubbed Jihoon's soft hair. "That's right Hoon. You know I miss your soft hole. My dick feel lonely without your hole." Jihoon couldn't fight back. He began more sleepy and before he lose consciousness, he had called a word he was hoping to come.



Already night and Jihoon haven't arrived yet. Guanlin already prepare dinner for him. "He's quite late." Guanlin picked up his phone and search a contact ' ' he called but no answer.

"Where the fuck are you?" He gripped his phone. "The food is... getting cold, you stupid dog."

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... Hello. It's been so long since I touch wattpad, huh? I'm sorry about the message board. The truth is I really do want to delete wattpad for good. But, I see that you all still supporting me. And that support makes me want to keep on moving and do my best. And because of that, I am very greatful and continue making stories from my OWN imagination. Even I'm not good enough, do you guys still accept me?


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