Chapter I

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Beca Mitchell - what more was there to say? When people heard the name they got chills down their spines. Beca wasn't a force to be reckoned with and it was as simple as that. Her parent's divorce, when she was a child, impacted her into her teen years. She was in her senior year at Barden High and by that time she pretty much owned the school. All of the students made sure to steer clear of Beca and her little gang. Beca was the leader of course, which others never would have guessed since she was only tiny - five foot one. But she had a mean look about her. She had a stern and hard expression on her face and her long, brown hair and heavy dark eyeliner gave people a pretty good message that she wasn't to be messed with. Just because she was small didn't mean that she didn't pack a powerful punch, which had gotten her in trouble multiple times but she didn't care. If anything, she was proud of it because it served as a reminder to people not to mess with her and it worked.

Then there was Stacie Conrad - Beca's right-hand girl. Stacie was tall and beautiful, with long brown hair, big boobs, gorgeous curves, and legs that went all the way up. If people didn't know any better, they would have said that Stacie was Aphrodite. Stacie was stunning and she knew it. She attracted girls and boys left, right, and center. She could have anyone wrapped around her finger whenever she wanted. She was notorious for getting her own way and getting out of things, which only damaged her dignity but the tall and beautiful brunette didn't care. She only cared about getting what she wanted and she was very successful in that area.

Next was Cynthia-Rose Adams. She was more so the 'muscle' of the group. She was an African-American girl who was loyal but had quite the attitude. If anyone looked at Beca or anyone else in the group the wrong way, Cynthia-Rose was all over it. She would ask people what their problem was and sort it out if there was a problem. Cynthia-Rose took no nonsense from anyone and did whatever she could to protect the group and protect Beca. The girl kind of looked up to Beca in a way since Beca took her in when Cynthia-Rose first started high school. She felt like she didn't belong because she was different. She liked girls and she had been teased a lot in the past because of it and Beca wasn't going to stand by and let Cynthia-Rose feel that way. Ever since then, Cynthia-Rose has stuck by Beca's side and hasn't regretted it since.

Jesse Swanson was next in line and was head over heels in love with Beca. He met the tiny brunette during their first year of high school and quickly became with smitten with her. He had never met anyone like Beca before in his life. Beca was strong and confident and that drew the boy to her instantly. Beca knew that Jesse had feelings her, even more so when he had asked her out multiple times only for Beca to reject him. Jesse was hurt but he didn't let Beca's rejections get to him. He knew that Beca was going to be a lot of work but he was prepared to put in that effort if it meant that he could get Beca as his own. Jesse was the nicest one out of the group. He was quite a caring boy and was the one everyone turned to for advice. He was kind and patient. He was actually the opposite of Beca, which made him believe that they'd be perfect for each other but Beca thought differently but again, Jesse didn't let that get to him. He was going to try his hardest to break down Beca's protective walls so he could be with her.

Lastly, there was Bumper Allen and he had a mouth on him. He was loud, rambunctious, rude, inconsiderate, and therefore he was perfect for Beca's gang of misfits. He was that person in the group that was irresponsible but knew how to have a good time, regardless of the consequences. Whenever a party needed planning or the group was looking for a good time, they'd go to Bumper who'd have it sorted within hours. School was a nuisance for Bumper but his friends were there so he attended and did the bare minimum to pass. Like everyone else, he didn't care. He was there to have a good time with his friends instead of trying to get the education that he needed to ensure that he had a good future but the future wasn't something that Bumper thought nor cared about. Bumper was all about living in the moment and that's why Bumper fitted in so well within Beca's group - he didn't care and he walked around like he was the King of the castle.

So that was it. That was Beca's gang. They went around the school terrorising whoever they liked whenever they liked and wherever they liked. They didn't give a rat's ass about anyone or anything - not even the consequences that were constantly dished out by the principal. Students quickly learned to just stay out of Beca and her gang's way and do their best to avoid them. Fighting and standing up for themselves was pointless and also quite dangerous. Beca and her gang had made examples out of a lot of students that made them fear Beca and her group, which is exactly what Beca wanted. The tiny brunette had an easy life and no one crossed her. That was until the first week of Beca's senior year at Barden High. That's when things changed for young Beca Mitchell.

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