Chapter IX

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Chloe got home that night and got stuck into her homework as a means to try and forget about Beca's text message. Chloe didn't know why it bothered her so much but Chloe soon realised that she had fallen hard for Beca and that she wanted the senior to be her girlfriend. She wanted it badly. Chloe's thoughts eventually made her stop doing her homework and just think about Beca. So much so, the redhead opened up her laptop and looked through Beca's Facebook just like she did over the weekend. She couldn't get over how beautiful Beca was. She knew that underneath Beca's hard exterior, the brunette was broken and she needed to be loved and Chloe wanted to love her and take care of her - she couldn't help it. It was just who Chloe was and it saddened her that she couldn't help everyone and it made her even sadder that she couldn't help Beca. Beca was with Stacie and that's all there was to it.

It didn't go unnoticed by Chloe how Stacie gazed after Beca, how she spoke to her, how she touched her, and how she tried to seduce her. Chloe was well aware of all of that and it made her quite angry and even, perhaps, a little jealous. Stacie was beautiful from head to toe and Chloe didn't see herself as beautiful. Yes, she was confident in her body and she accepted herself for who she was but she didn't think she was beautiful, and she certainly didn't feel beautiful whenever she saw Stacie. Chloe just had to accept that Beca would never be hers but thankfully, this was Beca's final year so Chloe didn't have to go through her whole high school life pining after a girl who would never be hers.

Beca, on the other hand, was furious. The brunette made her way to Stacie's house straight after school. Beca was absolutely livid at her friend and wanted to set things straight with her. She could see how hurt Chloe was by the text and Beca couldn't have Stacie or anyone come between them. Beca was set on her feelings for Chloe so she was going to tell Stacie to back off. Beca knew that Stacie wasn't to know but she was still angry that Stacie sent that text after Beca told her that she wasn't in the mood.

Beca got to Stacie's door and let herself in like she usually did then made her way up the stairs and into Stacie's room. Beca opened the door and found Stacie in a black lace set with suspenders.

"Oh, sweet Lord..." Beca uttered, her mouth going dry.

She had almost forgotten just how beautiful Stacie's body really was.

"Oh! You're early!" Stacie said once she turned around. "Eager are we?"

"No, I, ah... I-"

"Shh, baby," Stacie hushed then strode over to Beca, sliding her hands up the shorter girl's chest. "You don't need to explain anything to me - I understand."

"No, Stace, I-"

"Shh..." Stacie pushed Beca's hair to the side and began kissing her neck softly.

Beca closed her eyes and sighed. Stacie was always good at delivering kisses and it had been a while since Beca had relieved her stress. Stacie grabbed Beca's hands and put them on her hips as she slid her own hands up Beca's shirt. Beca got hotter and hotter on the inside and out and she was tempted to throw Stacie onto the bed and have her way with her like she usually did but she wanted Chloe more. Chloe - that's why she was there. She needed to tell Stacie to back off for good because she had feelings for Chloe.

"No, Stace, I can't," Beca said and pushed the girl off of her.

"What's wrong?" Stacie frowned.

"I can't do this anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... I mean, I like someone. Someone else."

Stacie's frow furrowed even more. "It's Chloe, isn't it?"

Beca looked at her friend shocked. "How did you know?"

"I'm not an idiot, Beca. People think I am because I act like it sometimes but I'm not. I see the way you look at her and I saw you two earlier today out on the oval. Even an idiot could see your feelings for her."

"Then... if you knew that then why did you send me that text? Why are you trying to get me into bed now?"

"Because I'm in love with you, Beca!" Stacie told her exasperatedly.

"What?" Beca said incredulously.

"I've been in love with you ever since our first night together!"

"Stace... We were drunk."

"I know we were drunk but I had feelings for you for ages and then when we slept together I fell in love with you. I've always wanted you to be my girlfriend but you never got the hint!"

"Stace, we agreed to be friends with benefits. Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because I didn't want to ruin anything between us but now I'm starting to realise that I should have just taken the risk. Now that ginger bitch is going to take you from me."

"Whoa! Don't call her that!" Beca ordered.

"She is! Should have set her locker on fire..."

"Wait... You trashed her locker today?"

"Yes, I did. Happy?"

"No, I'm not happy. Stacie, you can't just go around doing that just because you don't like something or someone."

"Oh, look who's talking!" She laughed. "You really can't speak a word after everything you've done, Beca Mitchell. You really can't."

"No, but I can change and I'm going to start right now." Beca turned around and made her way towards Stacie's door.

"Where are you going?"

Beca stopped and faced Stacie. "To make Chloe mine. Our friends with benefits relationship is over."

With that, Beca left Stacie's house and made her way to Chloe's. Thankfully, Chloe's address was in the phonebook so Beca was able to suss out where Chloe lived and make her way there.

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