Chapter III

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Chloe had completed her first two lessons for the day and it was now time for recess. Chloe had a nice packed lunchbox filled with fruit, sandwiches, nuts, sweets, and juice boxes. Chloe's parents always wanted their daughter to have enough food and good food, for that matter. Chloe never went without and she was very grateful for that.

"Heads up," Emily uttered to the group. "Trouble's on its way over..."

Chloe looked behind her to find Beca striding over in jeans, boots, a flannel, with a black leather jacket over the top. She looked rather intimidating but Chloe didn't let the brunette get to her. Behind Beca was here gang and they were headed straight for Chloe's table in the cafeteria.

"Well, well, well, what have we got here?" Beca probed once she got to Chloe's table.

"Looks like a bunch of freshies, BM!" Cynthia-Rose spoke.

"Fresh and ready for a killin'..." Bumper added.

"Now, now," Beca hushed them. "Let's not be rash here... They might be good little freshies and do what we say without consequence. You are good little freshies, aren't you?"

"Ah huh." Benji nodded as did Emily.

"Okay, let's just calm down," Chloe spoke and stood up in front of Beca. "Beca, is it?"

Beca nodded with a slight grin.

"Look, there's no need for any of this. This is our first day of high school and we're trying to enjoy it. We've done nothing wrong to you so there's no need for you to pick on us. So, if you could just leave us alone and we'll leave you alone and we can all just get on with our lives and mind our own business. I think that's fair, don't you?"

Beca stared at Chloe for several moments before she burst out laughing, making her friends laugh with her.

"That's a good one!" Beca laughed. "Did your mommy tell you to say that?"

"Get her, BM!"

"Yeah, smash her!"

"No..." Beca uttered, looking at Chloe carefully. "Not today. But I am hungry so I'm looking for some food." Beca reached over and grabbed Chloe's lunch box.

"Hey! That's mine!" Chloe went to get it back but Cynthia-Rose stepped in front of Beca as she looked through Chloe's lunchbox.

"Hmm... Got quite the selection here... I won't need to look for lunch because it's right here waiting for me! You know what, I might just take this whole thing. I'll give your lunchbox back at the end of the day if I feel like it. Thanks, ginger!"

"Wait! That's not yours! Give it back!" Chloe demanded.

"Did you just yell at BM?" Cynthia-Rose glared at the girl.

"She just stole my food! She needs to give it back!"

"No, she doesn't have to do anything. You need to just sit down and shut up." Cynthia-Rose pushed Chloe back down onto her seat then followed her group that walked away from Chloe's.

"What the Hell!" Chloe snapped, turning back to her friends. "Why would she do that?"

"She's trouble," Emily answered. "My mom was right about her."

"No way. I'm not going to let her get away with that. She just stole all of my food, good food, and now I don't have anything!"

"There's food provided here. It's nothing great but it's food so we don't go hungry," Aubrey told her.

"That's not the point. She stole my food and that's not acceptable. I'm going to tell someone. She can't get away with that."

Everyone at the table exchanged looks as Chloe got up and found the nearest teacher, which happened to be Mrs. Junk.

"Mrs. Junk," Chloe said. "Beca Mitchell just stole my lunchbox with all my food."

Mrs. Junk sighed. "Did she?"

"Yes, she took everything!"

"Alright, I'll tell her to return it to you. That girl..." Mrs. Junk grumbled and made her way over to Beca and her group while Chloe sat back down with her friends.

"See? That's how you do it," Chloe stated proudly.

"You told the teacher?" Emily asked.

"You bet I did! I wasn't going to let her get away with that!"

"Alright, red! Nice job!" Fat Amy cheered and it made Chloe feel great.

Soon after, Mrs. Junk approached Chloe and her friends with Beca next to her.

"Here," Beca threw Chloe's lunchbox back at her. "My bad,"

"Beca," Mrs. Junk warned.

Beca sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Thank you," Chloe responded.

"You're lucky I don't give you a detention, Mitchell," Mrs. Junk told the brunette.

"It's only food, Junk. Sharing is caring," Beca quipped.

"That's Mrs. Junk, and that was Chloe's food - not yours. As a senior, it's your duty to make the new students feel welcome and NOT intimidate them and pick on them. That's not the way we do things here. How many times do I have to tell you that?"

Beca just rolled her eyes.

"Leave Chloe alone, alright?"

"Fine," Beca sighed exasperatedly then turned on her heel and went back to her friends.

"I'm sorry about that, Chloe," Mrs. Junk looked at the redhead. "I know you didn't do anything but try and stay away from her. She likes to cause trouble and she's a real handful. If you continue to have problems with her come and see me or some other teacher. What she does isn't okay and she needs to learn it sooner or later or else life is going to give her a big shock."

"Yeah, my mom and dad said the same thing when it came to bullies." Chloe agreed.

"Well, they're right. Beca and her little gang are a bunch of troublemakers so it's best to just steer clear of them. As I said, if you have any more trouble just see me or another teacher."

"I will, Mrs. Junk. Thank you." Chloe nodded with a smile.

"You're welcome. Aside from that, I hope you're enjoying your first day at Barden."

"I am. It's really nice. I've already made a lovely group of friends!"

"That's great! It's good to see Em making new friends, too. But that doesn't surprise me though, she's always been good with people and what's not to like? She's perfect." Mrs. Junk gazed at her daughter.

"Mom!" Emily exclaimed, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment.

Chloe giggled. "Yes, she's a lovely young girl. I think we're going to get on just fine."

Mrs. Junk smiled. "That's good to hear. Well, I better let you get on with recess before you have to go back to class."

"Okay, thanks, Mrs. Junk!" Chloe farewelled the teacher.

"You're welcome!"

Chloe smiled and turned back to her friends. "See? No problem at all."

Everyone nodded and murmured in agreement, impressed with what Chloe did as Chloe opened up her lunchbox and began eating her recess in peace.

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