Chapter VII

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It was a new week at Barden High and Beca sat on the opposite side of the cafeteria as she ate her lunch quietly while also watching Chloe from afar. Ever since last week, Beca hadn't been able to get Chloe Beale out of her head. She thought about her almost every minute of every day and it only intensified her feelings for the gorgeous redhead. Chloe made Beca get butterflies in her stomach every time Beca saw her. Her smile, her laugh, her agreeable nod, her giggle - everything just got to Beca. Beca did some more Facebook and other social media stalking of the girl and Beca didn't find any evidence of Chloe being in a relationship, which put Beca at ease but that ease quickly went when she saw a young boy approach Chloe and Chloe welcomed him warmly to sit next to her, which he did with a smile.

Beca watched carefully as Chloe and the boy talked. He made Chloe laugh and smile and Chloe made him laugh and smile, too, but the only difference was that he was gazing at Chloe more than anything else and that didn't sit right with Beca - not at all. Beca clenched her jaw and pressed her thumb against her plastic fork firmly and made it snap once she saw the boy rub Chloe's back briefly.

"You alright there, Becs?" Stacie asked, snapping Beca out of her daze.

"Yeah," Beca uttered. "Just fine." She looked back over at Chloe and thankfully, the boy had removed his hand from Chloe's back.

"You seem stressed," Stacie weaved her hand underneath Beca's hair and gently rubbed her neck.

Beca sighed and closed her eyes briefly.

"Do you need a back rub?" Stacie offered.


"Well, what about..." Stacie leaned in and whispered in Beca's ear.

Beca gulped at the sexual offers Stacie was giving her and Beca would have been lying if she said that she wasn't getting aroused by them. In the eleventh grade, Beca and Stacie got drunk once at a party and they ended up making out, which led to them sleeping together. They both agreed that they didn't want to pursue a relationship but did agree to relieve each other's stress if need be. Neither of them had been in relationships for quite some time so it was handy for them.

"No..." Beca uttered, pulling away from Stacie. "I... No."

Stacie looked at Beca oddly. "What's going on? You never turn me down. In fact, you'd drag me to the bathrooms."

"I know, it's just... I'm not in the mood."

"Again, what's going on? You're never like this."

Beca looked at Stacie and sighed. Stacie was her best friend and she knew she couldn't keep anything from her.

"Don't worry about it," Beca told her.

"Oh, come on! We never keep things from each other."

"Well, this time we do. I don't want to talk about it."

"Aww! Come on, Becs! I'll make it worth your while..." Stacie said seductively, putting her hand on Beca's thigh and rubbing it.

"I'm just trying to figure some stuff out at the moment, okay? I'll come around, don't worry."

"Fine," Stacie huffed, pulling her hand away. "Your loss, sugar."

Beca laughed. "Don't I know it, honey..."


Chloe had finished her lunch and made her way back to her locker with her new friend, Chicago. Chicago was a new student as well who had some run-ins with Beca and her gang. It seemed as if Beca and her group had quite a busy week by terrorising the new students of Barden High. Chloe and Chicago got on like a house on fire and decided to hang out after school sometime. It was quite obvious that Chicago had a little crush on Chloe and Chloe wasn't blind to the fact. Chicago was quite cute in Chloe's eyes. He had a soft face, short brown hair, and bright blue eyes like Chloe. He was kind, funny, caring, and a great listener. However, Chloe wasn't interested in Chicago. For some reason, Chloe found herself quite drawn to someone who she never thought she'd be drawn to - Beca Mitchell. It didn't surprise Chloe. The redhead had quite the habit of taking an interest in people who were lost or broken and Beca happened to be both.

Because of Chloe's caring nature, she wanted to help people and she wanted more than anything to help Beca. She felt quite guilty about using Beca's secrets against her but she hadn't had any problem with Beca since until she reached her locker and found it graffitied and dented like it was on Chloe's first day.

"What the...? That girl!" Chloe snapped.

"Oh, no..." Chicago uttered, looking at Chloe's locker.

"That's it! I've had it!" Chloe stormed off down the corridor and marched her way over to the senior lockers where Beca's was. "How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone!" Chloe told the brunette who was gathering her books for her next lesson.

"What?" Beca frowned, trying to suppress the butterflies erupting in her stomach.

"Oh, don't play coy with me! You know exactly what you did!"

"No, I don't! I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"My locker! Look at it!"

Beca frowned again then made her way over to Chloe's locker and inspected the damage.

"That wasn't me," Beca said.

"Oh, really? You expect me to believe that?" Chloe said in an unimpressed tone as she crossed her arms.

"I swear! It wasn't!" Beca turned and looked at Chloe with vulnerable eyes - something Beca had never done before.

"After everything you put me thought, how am I supposed to believe you? It doesn't matter. I've had enough. I'm going to the principal," Chloe said and turned around to walk away.

"No! Wait!" Beca lunged forward and grabbed Chloe's hand.

"Get off me!" Chloe ripped her hand away.

"No! Please, stop!" Beca jumped in front of the redhead and looked at her desperately. "Please don't go to the principal."

Chloe couldn't help but smirk. "Well, well, well, look how the tables have turned."

"Yeah, I know, fascinating but..." Beca sighed. "Could you just... give me a chance to explain some things to you."

Chloe looked at Beca curiously. "And why should I do that? Why should I even give you the time of day?"

"You shouldn't but... I'm just asking you to give me a chance. I... I realise what I did was wrong and... I... I..." Beca was making a mess and she was getting more and more embarrassed. "I don't know what I'm trying to say... I've never done this before but... I wanna... start again. Yeah, something like that."

Chloe was shocked, to say the least. She was standing there staring at Beca for quite some time before she spoke.


"Okay?" Beca echoed, surprised.

"Yeah, you want to start again then I'm all for it. But you have to mean it. If I find out this is some trick..."

"No, no, no, it's not... It's... It's not. Ah... What, ah... what are you doing after school?"

"Going home and doing homework."

Beca breathed out a laugh. What a nerd, she thought.

"Well, did you want to hang around afterward so we can... talk?" Beca cringed at the word.

There was nothing more that Beca hated than talking and opening up. That just wasn't her thing.

"Okay, sure. I'll see you after school. Where should I meet you?"

"Ah... Just on the oval next to the big oak tree. That's nice and quiet."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were planning to kill me," Chloe laughed, making Beca reciprocate.

"No, no, nothing like that."

"Alright, well, I better get to class. I'll see you after school."

"Sure," Beca nodded then left Chloe to get her books as Beca made her way back to her own locker and unbeknown to the girls, both of them were excited to spend time with the other.

Finally, they thought.

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