Chapter IV

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When recess had concluded, Chloe made her way to her locker with her friends as the redhead was still proud of herself for standing up to the school bully and was successful in doing so. That was until Chloe did reach her locker and found out that not everything went according to plan. Chloe and her friends froze when they saw Chloe's locker tarnished with graffiti with a massive dent in the middle of the door where it presumably got hit by something.

"Who did this!" Chloe gasped.

"Beca Mitchell," Emily answered dully.

"Why would she do that?" Chloe frowned.

"Because you got her into trouble. I've had problems with bullies before and this is what they do. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. You get in trouble either way with them. It's better to just let them do what they want or else you'll be in much bigger trouble with them."

"No," Chloe shook her head. "This isn't right. She isn't going to get away with this. It's my first day and she thinks she can just walk all over me! No! I won't stand for it! Emily, take me to your mom."

"She won't care if she gets told off," Emily stated.

"I'll make her care, now take me to your mom."

Emily was hesitant but she saw the determined look in Chloe's eyes so she took the redhead to her mother, who thankfully had a free period.

"Mrs. Junk, Beca and her little gang wrote all over my locker and put a massive dent in it!" Chloe explained.

Mrs. Junk sighed heavily. "Did it happen just then?"


"Alright, I'll go and sort it out. You go to class."

"Thank you, Mrs. Junk."

"That's okay. I'm sorry that's happened to you. Are you okay, Em?" She asked her daughter.

"Yeah. She didn't do anything to me. Yet."

"And if she does she's getting expelled. Now, off to class, you two."

"Thank you." Chloe turned around and walked with Emily down the corridor and back to her locker.

"You realise that this could potentially get you into more trouble with Beca, right?" Emily told Chloe.

"Hopefully, this'll stop Beca from picking on me. She can only get in trouble so much before they expel her."

"I think they've tried but Beca has a rich dad so he keeps her in school. I think they made a deal with the school that if Beca behaves that she won't get expelled."

"But she's NOT behaving."

"No, but I don't think anything has been taken to the principal."

"What? Why not?" Chloe frowned.

"I don't know. I think Beca's dad wants her to stay in this school. Apparently, she's been in trouble and expelled from other schools before so I think this is Beca's last chance before no other school will take her."

Chloe was shocked but it didn't really surprise her. She had heard about students who were just real troublemakers but she was surprised that this was Beca's last chance. And that's when Chloe got an idea.

"What more do you know about Beca, Emily?"

"Ah... It's not really my place to say. Mom says all that stuff in confidence and I..."

"I know she does but I think I know a way to get Beca off my back for good."

"What do you mean?"

"I won't tolerate Beca treating me like that so if teachers won't get to her, then I will one way or another."

"What are you going to do?"

"You'll see..." Chloe smirked. "But I'll need your help."

"I, I don't know, Chloe. It's my first day and I don't want to start any trouble. Maybe just wait it out and see how Beca is. Maybe after a week or so she'll calm down and leave you alone. Let my mom deal with her."

Chloe nodded. Emily was right. It was the first day and Beca was probably just letting Chloe, and most likely other new students, know that Beca was the boss and not to be trifled with. It annoyed Chloe but because it was the first day, she agreed to just leave it. She also didn't want to put pressure on Emily either and get her into trouble not just with Beca, but possibly her mom. Chloe felt a little bad for putting Emily on the spot like that but she was just going to wait it out like Emily said and see what the following week held.

It was going to be a long week but the optimist that Chloe was, she was willing to give Beca the benefit of the doubt.


"So, tell us about your day!" Chloe's mother, Mercy, asked excitedly.

"Yes, tell us!" Roger, Chloe's father said in the same manner.

Chloe got in her parent's car once school finished and straight away she was bombarded with questions.

"It was good!" Chloe answered happily. "I made awesome new friends and all of my classes were fun."

"That's great, honey!" Mercy beamed.


"But?" Her parents echoed in unison.

There was never a but with Chloe and it concerned the parents.

"There's this girl... she's like the school bully. She stole my lunchbox but the teacher made her give it back then she and her friends wrote all over my locker and dented it."

"She WHAT!" Roger exclaimed. "No, I won't let her get away with that." The man went to get out of the car but Chloe stopped him.

"Daddy, please don't. I'm going to give her a week."

"A week for what?"

"To change. If she keeps picking on me I'll keep going to the teacher and if she doesn't stop after a week then you can mom can go in. But I think she's just marking her territory. She's a senior so it makes sense."

Roger and Mercy looked at each other.

"That's a very mature approach, Chlo," Roger said. "But I'd prefer if your mother and I go in."

"Roger," Mercy uttered. "Let her give it a go and if she can't stand it then she'll come to us. You know what she's like."

Roger sighed then nodded. "Okay. But if she's any more trouble you come to us, Chloe. I won't have anyone pick on you."

Chloe smiled. "Thanks, daddy. I will."

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