Chapter X

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Beca eventually made it to Chloe's house and by the time she got there she was puffed. She practically ran to Chloe's, determined to sort things out and tell Chloe her true feelings. Beca knocked on the door and waited in angst for it to open.

"Hello?" Roger answered the door. "Can I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Chloe's friend. Is she here?" Beca asked.

"She is. She's with a friend at the moment."

"Don't worry, I won't be long."

"Okay, well, she's just upstairs in her room. It's the first door on the left."

"Thank you." Beca nodded and raced up the stairs and came to the first door on the left.

Beca stopped and swallowed. This was it. She was going to confess her feelings for Chloe and she was absolutely terrified. So many what if's, buts, or maybe's, went through Beca's mind but before she had time to overthink, the brunette grabbed the doorknob, turned it, and swung the door open. Oh no, Beca thought. Roger was right - Chloe had a friend over and that friend happened to be Chicago. Chloe had invited him over to come and study together but really, Chloe was lonely and wanted some company and she really did like Chicago's company.

"Beca?" Chloe spoke. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you." Beca strode into Chloe's room and grabbed Chicago's shirt, pulling him up from Chloe's bed that the two were sat on. "You need to go."

"Ah, yeah, sure, Beca, sure," he agreed nervously.

Beca practically threw the boy out of Chloe's room and shut the door in his face.

"What the Hell?" Chloe stood. "Beca! You can't just do that! You said that you-" Chloe was quickly silenced when Beca stormed back over to Chloe, grabbed her face, and pulled her in for a hard kiss.

Chloe soon forgot what she was saying as she got lost in Beca's kiss, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of Beca's lips on her own. Beca had never kissed anyone like this before so it was new but she loved it. She loved the feeling of excitement that rushed through her as she kissed the redhead and Chloe felt the same way. Beca kissed her hard with passion for a little while until she pulled away, her hands still on Chloe's now flushed face.

"Date me," Beca breathed.

"What?" Chloe uttered.

"Date me. Be my girlfriend. Please."

"W, why? I, I thought-"

"No," Beca shook her head, dropping her hands from Chloe's face. "Stacie and I were just friends with benefits but I ended it before I came here. I want you, Chloe."

"B, but, but why?" Chloe couldn't control her stuttering since she was still trying to come to terms with the fact that she had just kissed Beca, or more so, that Beca had just kissed her.

"Because you're everything I want in someone. You see right through me and you see me for who I really am. I know we don't know each other much but... there's something about you and I want it."

"So, what? You've... fallen for me?" Chloe smirked and Beca rolled her eyes with a smile.

"I'm not going to go all mushy on you but... I... I might have."

"Might have what?" Chloe teased.

"Fallen for you."

Chloe beamed then grabbed Beca's face and pulled her back in for a kiss and Beca let her, feeling excitement rush through her once more.

"Yes," Chloe whispered once she had finished her kiss.



"Yes, what?"

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."

Beca couldn't believe it. "R, really? After everything?"

"Yes," Chloe nodded. "I, I don't know why but I've fallen for you, too, Beca. It's weird but I have. I know deep down you're a really good person who's caring, sensitive, attentive, and loving. I believe that you want to do all of that but you don't know how. But I'll help you."

"You will?" Beca's voice croaked, making Chloe's heart crack.

"Yes, I will. Let me help you."

Beca nodded, fighting back her tears.

"Come here," Chole pulled Beca back to her lips then wrapped her arms around the brunette and hugged her.

Beca HATED hugs with a passion but she had no problem giving Chloe one. As she said, there was something different about Chloe and it made Beca turn into a completely different person.

"Mm..." Chloe hummed.

"What?" Beca asked as they broke their hug.

"You smell good."

"You're not gonna go all weird on me, are you?"

"We're dating now so that gives me permission to be the girl who compliments her girlfriend and shows her affection whenever she pleases."

"Oh no..." Beca groaned. "You're that clingy girlfriend, aren't you?"

Chloe bit her lip then dove into Beca, wrapping her arms around her tightly.

"You bet I am!"

"Oh, God save me..." Beca groaned again playfully, making Chloe giggle.

"So does this mean that I'm apart of your little gang?" Chloe asked, pulling away from Beca.

"Only if you want to be."

"What about Stacie?"

"Don't worry about her. If she's got a problem then she can take it up with me. I don't care what she or anyone else thinks. I just wanna be with you."

Chloe blushed. "And you said that you weren't going to get all mushy on me..."

"That wasn't mushy!"

"Yes, it was."

Beca rolled her eyes but Chloe just kissed her cheek, making Beca flush.

"So, if I'm apart of your group, does that mean that I won't get picked on anymore?"

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that, Chlo. If anyone tries anything they'll be sorry. If they want to keep their head, they have to be on their best behaviour."

"But you can't afford to get into any more trouble, remember?"

"That's why I have friends that'll do things for me, remember?" Beca winked.

Chloe laughed. "Alright then. Let's do it."

Beca smiled then leaned down and picked Chloe up. Chloe giggled loudly, wrapping her arms and legs around the brunette, and kissed her hard.

For the rest of her senior year, Beca was good. She hardly stirred up any trouble and she also improved her grades with the help of Chloe. Beca's dad was extremely impressed and proud of her. Beca and Chloe spent the majority of their time with one another by going on dates, going over to each other's houses and studying, watching movies, playing games, making music, talking, and other things. Chloe felt a lot safer at school knowing that Beca was there to look after her. One day, one student decided to take Chloe's jacket - her favourite jacket, leaving Chloe freezing. As soon as Beca found out, she gave the redhead her leather jacket that she wore religiously, then hunted down the culprits where she managed to get Chloe's jacket back. Chloe didn't ask how she got it back but she was thankful but took the opportunity to wear Beca's jacket for the rest of the day.

Beca said that she wasn't going to get all mushy with Chloe but that's exactly what she was. She did whatever Chloe wanted and she was constantly in protective mode with her, too. Beca hated physical contact of any kind but she didn't care with Chloe, so much so that she welcomed Chloe to cuddle her on the couch whenever they were watching something or allowed her to cuddle up to the brunette in bed when they were going to sleep. Beca was a complete mushball for Chloe and she wouldn't have had it any other way.


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