Chapter VI

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When Beca got home that day she was angry beyond words. She flipped her room upside down and was tempted to do the same to the rest of the house but instead, she decided to go out for a walk. She took her headphones and listened to music - her solace. Music took Beca to another world where everything was perfect and where nothing could bother her. Beca had a real passion for music and she wanted a career in music once she graduated high school but at the rate things were going, Beca was on thin ice. Once she calmed down, Beca thought about what happened between her and Chloe and she was kind of glad that Cynthia-Rose took her way. As much as Beca wanted to slap the redhead down, she knew she couldn't have gotten into any more trouble.

How the Hell did she know all that about me? Beca thought to herself. No one outside of Beca's gang knew about Beca's rules. She was on thin ice and if the principal found out... Beca would have been gone and she couldn't afford that. She would have to have had kissed her trip to L.A goodbye. She and her father had an agreement that if Beca did well in her final year of school and did one year of college, that her father would pay for her to fly over to L.A to pursue her dream of music. The proposal sounded almost too good to be true to Beca but she was reassured that her father wasn't joking so Beca agreed. However, the brunette was starting to misbehave and she couldn't afford to get into any more trouble or start any either, but that was hard. Trouble was all Beca knew so being 'good' was hard. She didn't understand how people could just be good. If she was honest, Beca didn't really know what good was. It was a foreign concept to her but she was forced to learn it if she wanted that trip to L.A.

Beca walked for about twenty minutes before she found her way to the local park, which was quiet during that particular time of day. Everyone was heading home so no one really went to the park during a weekday. Beca perched herself under a nice tree and relaxed against it whilst getting lost in her music. She was like that for about ten minutes before she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. It was peaceful and calm. It was what Beca needed after her day. She still couldn't get her head around what happened. A brand new student stood up to Beca and she wasn't afraid. She was ready to get hit by Beca and she hardly flinched. Beca didn't understand how someone could have been so... bold. Beca had never come across anyone like that before and it was playing around in her mind. The more she thought about it the more she thought about Chloe. Before Beca knew it, she took out her phone and found Chloe on Facebook.

The brunette stalked her page and saw that Chloe had a good amount of friends that she spent a lot of time with as well as her family. Every picture she was in, Chloe was smiling, laughing, or pulling a funny face but the message was that the redhead was happy. Chloe was happy and Beca was not. Beca kept thinking back to what happened at lunchtime and focused on Chloe's words and as much as she didn't want to admit it, Chloe was right. Beca was broken. She was lonely. Her badass persona was just an illusion. An illusion that Chloe saw right through and Beca didn't know what to make of it.

Beca kept looking through Chloe's Facebook page then diverted her attention to Chloe's photos. The brunette studied them carefully and she began to notice how red Chloe's hair was, how blue her eyes were, how white her smile was, and how pretty she was. Beca stopped once she realised that she wasn't just looking at Chloe's photos, she was checking Chloe out in her photos. 

"No," Beca uttered and shook her head. "No way. Not that ginger... Not a ginger..." She sighed then raked her hand through her hair. "Why is it always a ginger!"

Yes, Beca had a type and that type was a woman with red hair. She didn't understand why but she never fought it. She just found redheads to be extremely attractive and Chloe happened to be a redhead with beautiful blue eyes and a perfect smile. Chloe was beautiful and as soon as Beca succumbed to the fact, she threw her head in her hands and sighed. She knew there was something about Chloe that she couldn't put her finger on and she wasn't pleased once she found out what it was - Beca Mitchell had a crush on Chloe Beale and the ironic part was that they were enemies. Beca had done nothing but bully Chloe and Chloe just humiliated Beca in front of a passel of students. Beca had no idea what to do. She didn't want to like Chloe but it happened and there was nothing Beca could do about it.

The more she thought about Chloe, the more she got butterflies in her stomach. Beca thought so much that she forgot the world around her and more so, her music. She was just engrossed in thoughts about Chloe that nothing else mattered at that moment. She thought about how Chloe stood up to her throughout the week and if Beca was being honest, it was kind of a turn on. Chloe was brave and showed no fear and didn't hesitate to stand up to Beca either. She was strongwilled and Beca found that extremely sexy. She loved a strongwilled woman who took pride in herself and Chloe ticked all of Beca's boxes. Beca soon realised that bullying her crush wasn't the way to go and she was beginning to regret doing so. There was no way that Chloe would be interested in her now. No way.

Beca had bullied her non-stop over the past week and to make matters a little worse and awkward, Beca was in her final year of high school while Chloe was just starting her first year. It was all one big mess that Beca had no idea how to fix. She had never crushed this hard before and it began to irritate her. It was as if Chloe suddenly had some sort of power over Beca, which Beca hated but also loved at the same time. She didn't know how to explain it but what she did know was that she wanted Chloe to be her girlfriend but that desire seemed impossible for the senior. But, if there was one thing that Beca was good at, it was getting her own way and getting Chloe as her own quickly became her mission.

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