Chapter II

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Chloe Beale was a bright and bubbly young girl. She was different from other girls since she had bright blue eyes and gorgeous, thick, red hair. Her smile could have lit up the world during its darkest nights. Chloe was an optimist and she just drew people to her wherever she went. She had plenty of friends in middle school but it was time to move on from that. Chloe was nervous when the first day of Barden High finally arrived. The redhead had heard both good and bad things happening in high schools but like anything, Chloe chose to look at the positive things, which wasn't hard for her. Chloe was also excited about starting high school because that meant that she had the opportunity to make new friends and study more things.

Chloe loved learning. She had always been an A student and her parents couldn't have been prouder of her. Chloe loved animals and had her heart set on being a vet, which her parents fully supported. Chloe always studied hard and it always paid off. All of Chloe's teachers said that the girl would go far in life and that school would be a breeze. Chloe had nothing to worry about since she would ace every test and exam that was thrown at her. Chloe wasn't one to be vain, arrogant, or proud - she was actually the opposite. Chloe was humble and kind. She had been brought up in a loving home and had been spoiled rotten since she was the only child but her parents were also good to discipline Chloe when they needed to, which made Chloe into who she was.

Young Chloe got up first thing Monday morning and had breakfast then got ready for her first day. Her parents drove her to Barden High to make sure that she got there okay and to watch her take her first steps into the next stage of her life - high school. Chloe had grown up so quickly and her parents knew that Chloe was going to be just fine at her new school. The redhead held onto the straps of her backpack as she stood out the front of Barden High and took everything in. There were students of different ages hanging around with their friends and having a good time before school started. Chloe quickly analysed the good students from the bad and made a mental note to stay away from ones who looked like trouble such as the students who wore ratty or dark clothes and those who took little care in their appearance. Even though she was only young, Chloe was a good judge of character - that, and her parents told her who to watch out for, too.

The bell rang, which made the students groan and file inside where they were due for homegroup before the actual school day commenced. Chloe took a breath, smiled, and strutted in through the front doors of Barden High. She was met with lockers both sides of her and she automatically made her way to her locker. When she came for her interview with her parents, she was shown where her locker would potentially be and Chloe had it memorised - it was just the kind of person she was. Chloe made it successfully to her locker that seemed to be brand new. The school had recently purchased a new set of lockers since a particular group of students defiled them, giving the school no choice but to get new ones.

Chloe packed her books away and made her way into her homegroup room, which was filled with faces that she had never seen before. She quickly scanned the room and picked out the newest group of students that were sitting at the front of the room, all huddled up awkwardly and not speaking. Chloe smiled at them as she made her way over.

"Hello!" She beamed, her smile as bright as ever. "I'm Chloe!" She sat down on an empty chair. "What are your names?"

"I'm Aubrey," the blonde girl next to Chloe greeted.

Chloe smiled then looked at the girl next to her.

"I'm Fat Amy," she answered with an Australian accent, which sounded quite peculiar.

Everyone paused and looked at her.

"You call yourself Fat Amy?" Aubrey asked.

"Yeah, so twig bitches like you don't say it behind my back."

Everyone was shocked at the girl's forwardness but they just shrugged and moved on.

"Hi, I'm Emily," the next girl waved awkwardly.

She was quite pretty with long brown hair, brown eyes, and a soft face.

"And what about you?" Chloe looked at the boy who was gazing after Emily.

"Oh, I, ah, I'm Benji," he stuttered nervously, looking at Chloe.

"Well, it's nice to meet you! Is this your first year?" Chloe asked and everyone nodded. "Well, I think if we stick together, we'll be just fine. I think I've seen others who are new but they're obviously in different homegroups, but that's okay."

Everyone was taken aback by Chloe's bright and positive tone but it drew them to her.

"What classes have you got this morning?" Aubrey asked and Chloe shared her time sheet with Aubrey and they were happy to discover that they had several classes together throughout the day as did Chloe and the other students sitting with her. Chloe was more than happy that she was already off to a good start.

However, Chloe's happiness of making new friends was quickly interrupted when a paper ball was thrown at the back of Chloe's head.

"Ow!" Chloe hissed and instinctively placed her hand where she was hit then turned around to see where the shot came from.

Chloe looked behind her and saw Beca laughing with her friends as they all high-fived her for hitting her mark.

"Beca!" The teacher at the front of the class bellowed. "What have I told you about throwing things at other students?"

"Sorry, Mrs. Junk!" Beca laughed and the teacher just rolled her eyes.

"We better watch out for her," Emily murmured.

"What do you mean?" Chloe asked, turning to look at the girl.

"That's Beca Mitchell. My mom's said that she's a bad apple and she's a troublemaker. You saw how Beca dismissed her just then."

"That's your mom?"

"Yeah, Kathrine Junk. I'm Emily Junk. I know it's weird. My dad's last name is Hardon, so..."

Everyone looked awkwardly around the table before Chloe chose to move on.

"So, Beca's the bad girl around here?"

"Pretty much. She causes trouble all the time and teachers just don't bother anymore."

"What do you mean they don't bother?" Chloe frowned slightly.

"Beca's too much hard work, not just for the teacher's, but for her dad as well. I don't know too much about it but I know enough that we just need to leave her and her friends alone."

"Yeah, I saw her this morning mucking about," Aubrey said. "I didn't like the look of her."

"Well, now, let's not judge a book by it's cover. I'm sure Beca's not all that bad once you get to know her." Chloe was quick to put an optimistic spin on things but little did she know that Beca wasn't at all what she was expecting...

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