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The Doctor could barely contain his excitement as he set the destination of the TARDIS for Camille's apartment. Having already dropped the Ponds off at their home, there was nothing and no one that needed his attention other than Camille and the fact that she could quite possibly be a Time Lady. 

But despite his excitement, he had to remember that it was wishful thinking. The likelihood of such a thing was slim to none. 

When they materialized in Cami's living room, the Doctor wasted no time in popping open the TARDIS door and beginning his own tour around around Cami's home, overturning nick nacks and inspecting pictures and even going so far as to rummage through her fridge. 

However, Cami was not so thrilled. She loomed anxiously in the doorway of the TARDIS, not wanting to step foot into her home. The Doctor had explained a little bit about the significance of the watch on the way over, including that there could be a Time Lady, or rather her soul or essence, trapped inside of the watch. All of it had made Cami's head spin--and hurt--like Hell, but it had also made her nervous. Had her life been real, or was it all a rouse while she harbored an alien trapped inside a fob watch, waiting like a good little puppet until the real woman was ready to take back over her body and put Camille away in the toy box like a good little toy... 

"Doctor?" She asked, hovering her foot above the threshold of the TARDIS. 

"Yes?" The Doctor picked up a fallen picture frame that housed the photograph of two smiling children, one small and strawberry blonde with a giant grin on her face and an even bigger icecream cone in her hand, and one sullen and frowning, his arm halfway thrown across his little sister's shoulder. Obviously, it was Camille and her brother, although she didn't dare look at the picture. It had been laying face down for a reason. 

"What will happen once we find the watch?" 

He put down the picture and turned his attention back to Cami, suddenly reminded of the reason for their visit. Sensing the trepidation in Cami's voice, he spoke carefully. "The Time Lady that may or may not be trapped inside will emerge and return to her body." 

"You mean my body, right?" 

"Yes, well your body and hers. You are an essence of herself--a life created so that she could go into hiding. There's a reason there's a mental block on your brain. Someone didn't want you to remember, which means that whatever person went into hiding was so powerful that you yourself had to be forced to forget." 

Cami shifted awkwardly on her feet. The logic just didn't make sense. "Why would someone else not want me to remember if she went into hiding? It doesn't make sense... If I'm a part of her--which I still don't understand how that's possible--than why would she not want me to remember, or if she doesn't want me to remember and she's so powerful, than how come I can remember bits and pieces?" 

The Doctor frowned and nodded, considering the points. Something didn't add up, Camille was right about that, but his excitement overpowered his worry. "Let's just find the watch," he suggested. 

"No. Are you crazy? I'm not opening that damn thing until we know what we're getting into." Cami paused, and in that heavy silence she considered her underlying worry and decided to make it known. "Do my feelings matter in any of this, by the way, or was I just some stupid nesting doll to be put away once the real person was ready? Am I not real?" 

"Camille, no, no, of course you are real." The Doctor sighed and came forward, reached for her hand. Cami ripped it away and spun, stepping out of the TARDIS and into her living room. 

"Yea, I'm her, right? My life is a sham? So what happens to me--the real me-- when she comes back?" 

"Well, you'll likely be re-assimilated into her consciousness. You are her, Cami, just a part of her. Everyone is composed of pieces, of different people. We are different people all throughout our life...and she'll never forget the person that you were." 

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