What a waist of a perfecly good clean wrist

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Oh my fucking god this can not be happening she has to wake up "clear" I heard again Vic was crying and saying it was all his fault mike was trying to comfort him, me well I was sitting there motionless trying to figure out what I would do if she didn't wake up no I can't think like that she's going to wake up she will she has to, Jaime got up and sat next to me "you alright?" he asked I looked up at him and my eyes started to get watery Jaime pulled me in for a hug and I broke down in tears "she'll be okay she'll wake up" he said in a comforting voice "she's up" I heard one of the doctors say I lifted my head and wiped away my tears and a smile appeared on my face she's up she's okay all of us looked at each other with huge smiles on our faces and nurse came came in "Virginia's family?" we all stood up and walked over to her "she's awake but not vocal yet but she's moving and her eyes are open did any of you know she had depression?" the nurse said/asked I raised my hand "I knew she did this but she was getting better she still would do 1 or 2 here and there but nothing as bad as this before" I spoke "well we will have to talk to her and maybe give her some pills to relax with and keep her here for a few days" the nurse said "no she don't need therapy and she don't need no goddamn pills we can talk to her our selves" I practically yelled at her "okay but we still have to keep her here for the night just to make sure she'll be okay but if this happens again we will have to give her pills" she said I just nodded I was so done with this bitch "can we go see her now?" I asked "yes she right in here" she said and led us to a room down the hall and stopped at a door we walked in and there were doctors hooking her up to machines and giving her shots the doctors and Virginia looked at us Virginia looked away quickly she probably thought we were mad at her "take a seat we'll be done in a minute" one of the doctors said we all took a seat and waited a few minutes and the doctors left Virginia stilled hadn't looked at us "Virginia please look at us" I asked she still didn't move I sighed "were not mad at you just please" I asked about to cry she looked over to me with sorry written all over her face "its okay the doctor said you can come home tomorrow" I said she looked at everyone else but when she looked at Vic her eyes got watery Vic got up and sat on the bed next to her and put his hand on her face stroking her cheek "it's okay and as for before I love you too".

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