Ive broken bones for you

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"Virginia open the door please" I knocked on the door harder "your mad at me now leave me alone" she cried "I'm not mad at you I just want to talk" I said I really wasn't mad I was sad yes but not mad "bullshit" she spat I really wanted to help her "just open the door? please" I asked "why for you can yell at me and tell me to stop you don't get how hard that is" she yelled at the end that hurt a little but I know she has mix feelings right now so I'm going to let that go "just please" I said one last time she slammed the door open and walk right past me got her stuff and ran down the stairs she was about to leave "Virginia please" I tried to get her to stay but she walked out the door and she was gone I walked back up the stairs everyone was still shocked other than Itzel "you knew about this" I yelled I didn't mean to but I did "yes and don't yell at me I've been trying to get her to stop she's been clean for 1 week and now it might be over" she said "well we have to go help her" I said "is her mom home?" "fuck her mom we have to get her she can't go home ill tell you all later lets go" Itzel said we all got up and ran to the car we hoped in and took off.


I can't do this I have to I ran in my house and into the bathroom and cried I looked down at the blade that was still in my hand I took it and slid it across my wrist 1 he knows 2 they know 3 ugly 4 fat 5 worthless 5 disappointment 6 my mom 7 my mom 8my mom my mom my mom my mom I stopped when I heard banging on the bathroom door "you little bitch where the fuck have you been?" my mom yelled fuck what am I going to do, just cut, stupid voice agin leave me alone, you know you want to, I said leave me alone "answer me when I talk to you" my mom yelled louder "I was at Itzel's" I mumbled "why didn't you fucking tell me bitch?" She screamed "cause you would have just yelled at me like you are now" I yelled I started to feel light headed I looked down at my wrists 20 cuts fuck I looked at my legs 13 fuck, you maniac look what you fucking did, I said leave me alone "open the fucking door" my mom yelled then there was a knock on the front door "ill be back" my mom said I heard the door open and then running the door opened and I saw Vic and the rest of them Vic ran to my side "stay with me please, call 911" he said "I love you" I said before I blacked out.

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