Can not spend another night in this home

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Ok Itzel has been acting weird all day what's up with her she's way to perky today something's up "hey what's up with you today you didn't yell at anyone, you didn't get mad at the teacher, you listened and your jumping around what's up?" I asked she looked at me with a huge smile on her face it was kinda freaky "I got you a surprise" she said"what is it?" I asked I really hope she doesn't say what she always does "you'll see when it comes" she said man she said it "ok" I mumbled. we walked back to her place and unlocked the door we ran up the stairs and sat down on the bed "Virginia?" Itzel ask oh no this isn't going to be good "yeah?" did I really want to know? "You know Vic right?" she asked "what? you mean Vic the singer?yeah? what about him?" I asked "" she stuttered oh no "I what?" I said a little scared "your surprise is pierce the veil there coming today" she said with a smile "OH MY GOD I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!!!" I screamed at her and hugged her "ok your going to choke me" she said "oh sorry thank you so much" I said "your welcome now you can suck Vic's dick" she said oh my I love her so much but really? "shut up" my cheeks were burning hot "ha no need to blush we all knew it" she said ok I don't know why I'm not used to it yet "yeah what ever" I said then Itzel's phone buzzed she quickly picked it up and started texting that leaves me to play on my phone that's ok I guess.


I was so happy maybe a little to happy "hey what's up with you today you didn't yell at anyone, you didn't get mad the teacher, you listened and you jumping around what's up?" Virginia asked I smiled at her "I got you a surprise" I said "what is it?" she asked I knew she was going to ask that "you'll see when it comes" I said "ok" she mumbled. we went to my place and went up stairs and into my room we sat on the bed like we always do "Virginia?" I asked "yeah?" she asked am I really going to tell her? no I have to "You know Vic right?" she asked "what? you mean Vic the singer?yeah? what about him?" I asked "" I stuttered "I what?" she asked no I couldn't tell her I just can't let something bad happen to her "your surprise is pierce the veil there coming today" I said with a smile "OH MY GOD I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!!!!" she screamed and hugged me "ok your going to choke me" I said "oh sorry thank you so much" she said "your welcome now you can suck Vic's dick" I said "shut up" she said blushing like crazy "ha no need to blush we all knew it" I said "yeah whatever" she said nice playing it off my phone buzzed and I quickly looked at it Mike I knew it 'hey were going to be there soon she ready?' 'I kinda sorta told her you guys are a surprise for her' 'ITZEL!' 'I'm sorry I couldn't tell her' 'well she needs to find out somehow' 'Vic can tell her maybe she'll remember if he tells her' 'yeah maybe ill ask Vic' 'ok' 'he said sure' 'is he calm' 'nope not at all' 'lol' 'it's very annoying' 'I bet it is by the way Vic I told Virginia she can suck your dick and she blushed hint hint' 'ha he's blushing' 'dude we all know you want her' 'ok your going to kill him' 'lol ok ill stop' 'ok' 'I can't wait to see you guys again' 'me either' 'we're almost there' 'ok ill bring Virginia outside and we'll wait for you guys' 'ok see you then' 'ok remember Vic be calm bye' 'he said k bye' "come on" I said to Virginia "where we going?" she asked "outside" I said we got our shoes on and we walked out side and waited for the boys I hope Virginia will be ok.

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