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I was in my room studying for finals and let me tell you, it was not the way I wanted it to go. I was already stressed to the max as I had my two least favourite subjects first; English and Maths.

I was staying at the boys' house for the weekend because nick insisted me to. I do love them with all my heart, who wouldn't? But, if I hear Austin scream 'anime' or Edwin asking me do I want pancakes again, I will officially loose my mind

Currently I'm in the backyard writing he rest of my essay when all of a sudden Brandon and Zion walk in and start screaming.

"Yo Emma? What are you doing here by you-"

"ZION STOP LEAVE ME BE IN STUDYING" I screamed even before he could finish
Brandon and Zion looked at each other and back to me

"Ok, you really need to take a break. You've been studying since 6am this morning?" Brandon said sitting beside me. I kinda pushed away from him and looked at my laptop

"Yeah I know b but, I really need to get good in finals. I'm scared incase I forget something or I end up going late or I dunno, I don't wanna let my parents down" I moved the laptop off of me and started to cry a little

"Yo Emma, imma get nick stay here" Zion said whilst Brandon kept hugging me.

We're kinda closer than the other boys. When I first met the boys, it was Brandon who was the nicest to me if I'm being honest the rest tried and eventually took me in as one of there own.

Nick started to walk towards me and Brandon told me that he would leave us alone

"Baby, what's wrong?" He said as he hugged me. He started playing with my hair and he kissed my forehead in the process

"Nick, I'm hella stressed. Like I've been trying to go somewhere where no one is so I can study and I can't because Austin is in one ear and edwins in the other screaming things that I don't want an-"

"Hey, hey listen. You've been working way to hard on this. It's Friday em, take a chill pill and come join us. We're doing covers and I know ma girl is amazing with a camera?" He said and we both started to giggle

"There's that smile" he said and wiped my cheeks

"I love you so much. And don't worry imma say it to the boys to chill out a bit. But tomorrow is a rest day. Me and you are gonna go shopping and imma get you everything you want and after we can get in'n'out" he sat up and put his hand out for me to grab

"I love you so much and thanks, I needed that" I kissed his cheek

This is for @xxb8887 hope it's ok💞

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