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"Lilly, Rose come on your dads waiting for you" I shouted down to my little girls. Not even two seconds later I see two little buns going up and down in the air running towards me " there's my girls, get in the bus" Zion said holding his arms out. Lily jumped into his arms and rose went into mine. We made it into the bus and they went straight for the sofa at the back. Nick began playing with them and they started messing with his hair

"Y'know, I wouldn't change a thing T" Zion whispered into my ear
"About this? Well I would rather be on a beach in Hawaii or to the Bahamas but ya know it's fine" I said and he pushed my shoulder slightly
"No, I mean me you and the kids. 4 years together is crazy, and to think we met at 18 is crazy and to have kids at 20 is also amazing. This life is amazing ah" he said and pulled me into a hug I laid my head on his chest and placed an arm around his waist
"I wouldn't change anything either, and they have such great people around them, and we'll be going to your moms house for a while and then mine and when the tour is finally over we can stay in our house and do anything we want again" I said and he kissed my forehead
"We can do whatever we want anyway, look we have 4 babysitters on demand whenever we need them" he said and pointed to the boys. Nick was letting rose put blush on his cheeks and lily was trying to take a funny picture with Edwin
"Yeah, their gonna be queens when their older" Brandon butted into the conversation. "B, I want kids like theirs, like ugh they're so cute" Charlotte said to Brandon and he smiled at her "in time when I'm ready but like now is not the time"
"Well now I have 2amazing girls in my life" Zion said and smiled. I looked at him in confusion
"Don't you mean 3" I said and he kissed me on the forehead
"I mean your great and all, but they're my creation. That's why their so beautiful" he said and I smack him lightly in the face

(These are gonna be really short because I have exams atm ahahhahahah) will redo if they're bad

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