Waking up with the boys

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Edwin: he wakes you up
"Y/n, baby get up?" I turn to let my back face Edwin because it's still only 7 in the morning. He sees that I'm ignoring him so he decides to start showering me in wet kisses
"Babe, stop. I can't deal with this in the morning" we both start laughing and he starts to play with my hair
"If you get up I'll make you blueberry pancakes? I'll make em extra fluffy???" He tickled me and then I gave into him."you know you love me?" He says pouting his lip. "Do I know that?... yes, yes I do" he pulls the blanket off of me and carries me downstairs so We could have breakfast

Nick: you wake him up
"Baby, nicky you gotta get up it's nearly afternoon" I kiss his nose ever so slightly and it twitches. He goes to rub his nose but I grab his hand and place it on my face. He smiles and leans forward into my face "you gotta do this everyday? Babe I know your an early bird but I gotta have my beauty sleep" I look at him confused and then I begin to answer him "you don't need beauty-sleep if anything I need it" I get off the bed when I'm only pulled back by a strong pair of hands "YOU, of all people I know do NOT need beauty-sleep. You are so beautiful and your eyes and so pretty and I love every inch of this magnificent body. God took time in you baby and it was spent well" I then sat on his lap and we had a mini make out session until my belly rumbled

Brandon: he wakes you up
"Y/n, come downstairs I have a surprise" I didn't want to get up and so I wrapped myself in a mini fleece. "B, will you get me I'm so tierd or get Austin to carry me please" it was silent for a while and then he spoke "ok, AUSTIN GET Y/N FOR ME PLEASE.SHES TIRED AS HELL" I heard stomping from the boys' room and then Austin came with a chair and Edwin came also
"Guys are you serious? Can- Can I sit on it" I said as I climbed onto it "Brandon wanted you to come down in style but it'll be hard to carry you down the stairs so be patient"
We were half way down the stairs and I heard Brandon playing the piano. He started playing beautiful by bazzi and then started singing to me while I ate breakfast. "I love you y/n. So, so much" he planted a kiss on my head "I love you to baby"

Austin: you both get woken up by the boys
Brandon's POV
"Yo, Z you got the goods?" I whispered to Zion as he was carrying the breakfast up to
y/n and Austin "yeah, you got the guitar?" Zion said to me "yup, ed have you checked if there asleep" Edwin crept up the stairs "yass now let's get this thing on the road". We walked up the stairs as quietly as we could and then we slammed the door open. Me and nick started serenading the two and then when they were pissed off we gave them breakfast "your never doing that again Brandon ok? I need sleep to function in the morning" Austin said tying his hair in a bun "yeah now me and Austin are going to sleep" y/n did pulling Austin under the sheets again "Uh Mabey we should leave?"nick suggested and we all backed out to leave them sleep

Zion: he wakes you
"Mamas, get up we gotta get up now" Zion said tugging on me. "Babe, let me sleep" I rolled to my side and then I felt a pillow hit my head lightly "oh you wanna do that now?" I said smirking at Zion "bring it on" He said waving his hands for me to come over to him. We were hitting each other back and fourth until I thought I hit Zion really bad because he fell down. I rushed to his side to make sure he was ok "Babe, you ok?" I kissed his cheek and then I was dragged around onto the floor with Zion on top of me "mamas, don't fall for my trick" he planted a sweet kiss on my lips and then I kissed him back. "Wanna go get breakfast" I suggested to him. He smirked and then looked at me "well, I got all I need right here" he tugged my torso and then we began to get back into bed and fall asleep (😉)

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