"Y/n, come on I'm really trying here" was all I heard out of Edwin for the past five minutes. Edwin is trying to teach me how to ballroom dance for the upcoming kings and queens ball. I'm like the worst at dancing and I thought it would be nice of Edwin to help me "Ed, I'm trying here too. You know I can't dance.im just useless" I plopped myself down on the warm grass as the gentle breeze hit my neck
"You are not useless!? I know your trying but you gotta try that but harder. I want you to be the best looking and best dancer and you've already achieved one of those already" he planted a kiss on my neck and sat beside me. "Ok, Ok I think I'm ready to do this" I got up and helped Edwin up too. "Now first curtsy and slowly get up ok?" I followed his instructions. "Ok your doing great it's just you need a straight posture, otherwise it's amazing" I blushed and then thanked him
"Listen, y/n. I wanted to know so you want to go with me to the kings and queens ball?" He held out two tickets and I screamed with delight. I knew he was taking me but it was just like prom all over again
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I got changed and held my hair in a tight bun. Edwin was waiting downstairs and as I was walking down, a smile crept along his face. "You look beautiful mama" he kissed the back of my hand and he went to look for something "I know your probably gonna kill me but this was the perfect thing to get you"
He held out a blue box and it held the most beautiful tiara I had ever seen in my life ."Edwin, oh my god it's gorgeous, would you mind?" He smiled and placed it on my head
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*skip the car ride*
Now it's time to start the ball shall we?" The conductor said and he hit his Batton of his music holder and the orchestra started playing
"Madame, may I have this dance?" Edwin said holding out his hand "gladly" We glided through the dance floor and many people stopped and stared at us but it felt like we were the only two in the room "You look stunning, I'm glad you came tonight " I pressed my head against his chest and he kissed it "I love you y/n" "I love you too"