Imagine: brandon

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It was today. Today was the day that I tell Brandon that I'm pregnant. I'm four months and it's starting to show so I decided to tell him. None of the boys know; not even Zion. Ever since me and him were smaller we would tell each other secrets, ones that we wouldn't tell mom or dad. It was hard not to tell him but I've decided that I'll tell Brandon first and then Zion, because it would be harder to tell by myself.

I packed the boot of my car with the last of the stuff that was in the garage and I moved it into the boys' house. Brandon and the guys insisted I moved in because alexys wanted to move in too.
I put the clothes in the drawers and coats in the wardrobe and then a slip of paper fell out of the coat pocket.
It was the first note Brandon had given me since we started going out. We were at the park and he asked me out and I said yeah obviously.
The note said

"I love you, you know that right ~ B X"

I smiled at the thought of that day and kept it in my bag and made my way down the stairs.

Austin and Edwin were in the kitchen making the dinner and nick and alexys were in the sitting room watching the match. I looked around for Brandon and found him in his room, all in his feelings writing a new song

"So how do you like it?" He said, smiling back at me
"I love it, b, there's something I need to tell you.."
the door swung open and the boys ran in.
"Guys, can we go to the beach, we haven't gone in ages and I really wanna gooooooo" Edwin said pulling on me. "Please cyndel, for meee" he folded his lip and made a sad face.
"Ok, but only if everyone goes" I smiled over at Brandon and he grabbed my hand and we made it out to the car

It was really warm a outside but I couldn't risk the boys seeing the bump before I told Brandon

"Hey are you coming in?" He said taking off his shirt
"No, I'm good. You go on without me" I smiled a fake smile and I knew he caught on something was up
"C, what's up?" He sat down beside me and pulled me into a hug
"What? N-Nothing why?" I turned my head away from him and he pulled it back
"I've known you for 6 years, I know when your lying about something" he laughed and I joined in
"B, now don't panic or scream or anything and I'm being 100% honest at this moment and time ok?" His face went white and he told me to go on

"I'm, I'm pregnant" he looked down at my stomach and looked at my face
"How, how long?"
"Four months, I-I'm sorry I wanted to tell you but I thought you'd run away and" I started crying and he hugged me even tighter

"Baby, I ain't going anywhere, this is our baby and imma love it just like her/ his mama ok?" He wipes away my mascara under my eyes and helped me up

"Let's go tell the boys, together"

Brandon held onto my hand the whole way to the boys. When we got there, Brandon cleared his throat

"Me and C have an announcement, we're having a baby"
The boys' faced dropped and they all screamed really loudly. Zion came up to me and hugged me so tight I could barley breath

"Imma be an  uncle, ya boys gonna be an uncle?!!!!!" He Kept shouting all the way home

"Baby, I love you, don't ever doubt that I don't Ok?" Brandon said as he caressed my cheek

"I love you too boo." I kissed his face and he placed a hand on my stomach

This is for flowersforarreaga hope you like it ❤️ if you want one leave it in the request form xoxoxo
-katie xox

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