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This is for maryanndolanxx  hope you like it xx

"Maryann you playin" nick says as he pushes me slightly. I never really became close with him until a couple of months ago. He used to really annoy me with his secretiveness and always being shy but he's really came out of himself and I'm really happy for him. "Nah Nick, you can't handle the truth, you suck at fifa" I say as I laugh along. "M, it was one game of fifa that I let you win, just remember that" he laughed and messed my hair.
We had been going back and fourth just to pass time before we got to the changing room. Nick and I decided to go to the bus to play because it was quieter and he needed space he said. It was a regular routine for us

When we reached the room I was met by Edwin who suggested we stay out here for a few minutes. "I would let you in, but Z is NOT in the mood for you guys, especially nick." He said and it got awkward really fast. "I'm sure he's ok I mean what's the-" "Maryann, we need to talk" Zion Walked out of the room biting his lip like he's trying to hold something back. "Ok, what's wrong?" I say ready to listen. He played with the hem of his shirt and spoke up. "Alone." I looked at Edwin and nick and then agreed to his suggestion. "Bus?" I said looking at him expectantly. He nodded and grabbed my arm and walked out.
When we got to the bus I grabbed a bottle of water for him and myself and sat on the sofa and patted beside me so he would follow.
"What's your problem Maryann, you seeing nick behind my back? You didn't think I would find out would you? I kne-" I stopped him from talking and he sat there and drank his water "z, why do you think I am? What has you to bel-" "have you seen the way he looks at you? The way he shoved you playfully today even?! You let it happen and I caught you guys flirting when you were walking to Taco Bell the other day!? Yeah don't pretend like he wasn't" he said pointing his finger at me. I stood up completely fed up "get your stubby finger out of my face you fool, I swear your always accusing me of doing all this stuff which is not true at all" I say as I swatted his finger away
"So what, you saying that playing with your hair isn't flirting hm? I know it is you did it with me" he said and turned his back
"So what now you probably think blinking is flirting too yeah?" I say with anger. He turns around and starts to shout. "I didn't say that but if your implying that then maybe it is" I laughed at his statement sarcastically "look at yourself you are soo jealous!! It is completely obvious you can't stand the fact that me and nick are starting to get along after 4 years of knowing each other" I say walking towards the door
"Where are you going we're not-" "yes. We. Are. Goodbye if you need me don't text because I won't answer" I say and slam the door shut

I decided to go to Starbucks as it was a couple minutes after the arena the boys were playing at. I walked up to the counter and ordered my usual caramel frappe with 2 pumps of chocolate. I sat on my seat and someone tapped on the window.
"Mary!! Mary!!" I turned to see Kj on the other side and I told him to come inside. "We haven't spoken in like a couple months how are you?" He said while giving me a hug. " not doing too great at the moment if im honest" I say and sit down. His name was called for a coffee so he excused himself and came back as quickly as he could without spilling the coffee
"Now explain my friend, I have my coffee so I'm all ears" he says and takes a sip of his coffee. I explain the whole situation to him. He furrows his eyebrows when I finished, drank a big gulp of coffee and began to speak.
"Maryann, he adores you. And I know that sounds wierd coming from me but he does. Honestly it's a rough patch in your relationship but not everyone is perfect. I mean come on, do you expect every story to have a happy ending.[as he was saying this Harry styles walked in and began singing two ghosts] [jk lol I wish][back to the story lol] ... you have been together for 3 years and he is just anxious. Did he show you the interview he had recently with teen vogue?" He asked me and I said no. He showed it to me and I started to feel really bad for what I had said
Interviewer- so Zion, you and Maryann, what's your story? Is it gonna go places or whatnot? The fans have been asking a lot
Zion-nah it ain't going anywhere sorry hahaha, nah I'm just kidding yeah I really like her you know. We've had like the best time over the past three years. I'm not really expecting much could be different and I don't want it to change at all. It's like when your bringing your bestfriend everywhere you go and having someone to rely on. We are as strong as ever and all the guys love her
Nick- yeah she funny or whateva
(Audience laughing)
Zion- yeah like she's the only person that can get me to wake up early on a weekday and persuade me with pancakes. There the best and honestly she is too. I couldn't ask for a better person
Interviewer- well isn't that adorable!? Well that's all we have time for you guys I'm sorry but the boys are going to preform their new single featuring CNCO, this is me necesita.

"Omg I need to get back to him omg" I say and grab all my stuff. "Come with me, you can stay for a while if you want, hang out with the boys?" I say and open the door for him "yeah I'll come for a while but I'll have to go soon to pack my bag I'll be heading to Los Angeles soon because of a cast call" he says and we both laugh.

I reached the door of the changing room and knock on it. Brandon bursts to the door "YALL THE FOOD IS.. oh it's Mary GUYS ITS JUST MARY" he says and I giggle. I hear someone else go to the door and I knew for a fact it was Zion
"I am so so so sorry z, I should've seen it from your side. I mean I would be the same if it was my friend" I say and give him a hug
"Nah it's all g, I just over reacted. I knew nick wasn't flirting with you I dunno I was just scared I guess. We're so good now and usually when things are going great something bad happens and-" I shut him up with a kiss. He pulled me in by my waist and played with my hair. He pulled away and caressed my cheek with his thumb
"I love you, so much" he said and pulled me into a hug. "I love you too, you big monkey"

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