In Labor/ Paralyzed

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Onika Maraj


6 hours later, a doctor came out.

Doctor: "Family of August Alsina."The doctor said making a couple of heads turn. I walked up to the doctor and he looked at me sympathetically.

Doctor: "We are sorry to inform you that August Alsina is in a coma. He was hit by a tractor trailer. He hit his head pretty hard and fell into a coma as soon as he got into the hospital. He also has a ruptured spine, and we don't no if he would be temporally paralyzed, or paralyzed for the rest of his life. He also suffered from minor things like 2 broken ribs, a broken arm, a broken wrist, and blood loss. He would probably be in a coma for a long time, hopefully not too long, to the point where we have to take him off life support. We are almost done with the surgery, and he's pulling thru quite well. We know this is a lot to take in but please, hang in there. It's gonna be alright." He said making me burst into tears. I looked up to see him looking at me sympathetically. It was like a sad movie. I needed a hug so bad, and like he read my mind, he rapped his arms around me, and brung me into a friendly hug, which only lasted for like 2 seconds but hey I'll take what I can get. I didn't know doctors gave out hugs. I guess he's just being nice.

I decided to finally call Morgan. I need a friend here with me, even though she doesn't really like August, I'm certain that she would come, and be here to comfort me. I decided to call her.

(Phone Convo)

Morgan: "Hello?"She answered.

Me: "Hello Morgan, this is Onika. Can you come to Cooper Hospital? August got hit by a tractor trailer, and I need a friend right now."I said starting to sob.

Morgan: "I'm on my way."She said I can here her moving around, until she hung up. She didn't even as questions or anything, she just came here to comfort me, even tho she doesn't like August. That's my ride or die right there. She is truly my best-friend.

(Phone Convo over)

A couple minuets later, Morgan came running in the waiting room.

Morgan: "Oh Nicki, it's gonna be alright. August will pull thru. I know I may not like August, but I still came down here not only to comfort you, but to also apologize to August for blowing up on him that night. I should have given him a chance to explain himself."She said with guilty eyes, sitting in the seat next to me, rubbing my back.

August Alsina


All I see is darkness. I look all around, walking until I see a bright light. I walk to it and find myself in this beautiful place. It was like a gigantic garden. There were trees everywhere, it's so beautiful here. All of a sudden a tiger came out of nowhere standing only a few feet away from me, and as soon as I was about to turn around and run, it pounced on me. I started to scream(manly of course), thinking he was about to make me his next meal. That was until, I heard it purring and felt it rub up against me. Then I did an unbelievable thing, I pet it. That's right me, August Alsina pet a wild animal and didn't get eaten. I stood up and really looked at my surroundings, and it turns out there are a lot of animals here, from the prehistoric, to the ones that you would see today, and none of them tried to harm me in anyway. I got hungry, so I decided to pick an apple from one of the trees and eat it, and I'm not the one to love an apple, but boy let me tell you, that was the best apple I ever had. I looked to the entrance of the garden and saw two figures standing on both sides of the gate. I walked a little closer and realized that they were men, huge men with big fiery swords, and wings. Wait, beautiful garden, animals that didn't try to eat people, and angels with fiery swords, is this the Garden of Eden? The only thing missing is that tree that Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat from, and I was not trying to find it.

Onika Maraj


It's been 6 months since August has been in as coma, and I'm 7 months pregnant. It's a little girl, I try not to stress about August to much because my doctor said stress could kill the baby, but you try having your boyfriend almost killed by a tractor trailer. I visit August everyday with Morgan, and even came in contact with his friends Quan, Trey, and Chris. They're nice. Also the doctor said if he doesn't wake up in a couple of days, they were going to pull the plug. I swear the tears were endless when he said that. I cry every day, knowing the fact that my baby, might only have a couple days to live. I'm at the hospital now in August room looking down at him, I hope my baby gone be ok. I started worrying about all the worst possible things that could happen, until it felt like I peed my pants and my stomach started hurting badly.

August Alsina


It's been like, 4hours since I've been in here, and I did stumble across the forbidden tree, but I did not eat from it, nor did I touch it. I wonder what Onika is doing right now, and I also wonder if I'm dead or not. I hope I'm not. I still didn't get a chance to see my baby. I've been doing a lot of things these past hours. I rode an elephant, befriended all the animals, and helped a wolf give birth. That was disgusting. Now I'm just waiting for some type of sign that says I can go home. All of a sudden a little boy ran up to me yelling.

Boy: "Daddy, Daddy! Quick! Go back to you're body! Mommy is going into labor!"The little boy said in a panic tone.

Me: "Huh? What do you mean "mommy's"going into labor? Who are you, and why are you calling me daddy?"I asked. I was really confused.

Boy: "I mean my mommy, your girlfriend Onika is in labor. I'm the twin that didn't make it, and your my father. Now if you are done asking all of your questions, I suggest you go back to your body before she has the baby."He said looking annoyed.

Me: "I don't know how to go back to my body!"I said panicked.

Boy: "Just close your eyes and think about where you wanna go, but hurry you already missed thirty minuets."He said rushing me. I close my eyes and think about the hospital. When I reopened them I was in a hospital bed, strapped up to all these wires. I tried to move and quickly regretted it. Every single bone in my body hurt, plus I had a major headache. I quickly laid back down and started to look around. It was really bright. I looked to my right and saw the little remote that you use to call the nurse. I pressed it and after like 3minutes a nurse came. When she saw me awoke she looked surprised and called the doctor in the room. When he came in he had a smile on his face but mine still had a worried look.

Me: "I have to get up. I have to be there for my girlfriend Onika, she's in labor."I said getting up ignoring the pain the best I could.

Doctor: "Sir, Sir, sit back down we have to bring in a wheelchair, you are paralyzed."He said. My eyes almost popped out of my head. Did he just say I'm paralyzed?!


A/N: That's a rap. Tell me how you like this chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Also don't forget to SPREAD THE PEACE MINDLESS CRAZIES!! GOD BLESS!! Do you think August will ever walk again? do you think he will be able to be there for Onika when she gives birth?

Guys I wanted to say thank you guys for getting me to 1k reads on this book. I didn't think I would be able to do it after I deleted my other books. I love you guys, and I will try to update more frequently. I know this chapter might not make any sense, but bare with some parts. I wanted to add the Bible in this chapter a little bit. I love God, and I love you guys. You're awesome, and I hope you are blessed with wonderful things. Until next time. See you!

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