Never thought I'd see you again

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Onika Maraj

1 week later


I'm in the store walking around looking for some food and snacks, until I spot some fruit snacks. Thank you Jesus! The Lord know I love me some fruit snacks! After I grabbed the fruit snacks, I headed to the milk section, as I was walking I accidentally bumped into somebody and fell on my bum. I looked up and saw him, he looked down at me and smiled, I guess he didn't recognize me, I decided to act like I didn't know him either. I got up and said sorry, grabbed my stuff then walked away with my cart. I went to pay for my items, it cost $100.87 so I went to get my purse and realized I left it in the car. Luckily someone helped me pay for it, and when I looked up there he was staring down at me with his bright smile I fell in love with. Wait Nicki snap out of it, you don't love him anymore, he broke your heart and you won't let him brake it again. I looked up at him and said.

Me: "Thank you." I said kindly.

August: " No problem ma." He said with his accent. Man, the things he does to me, or should I say the things he did to me. As soon as he said that I quickly hurried out the store put the bags in the car, and sped away, before he could say anything els.

August Alsina


I feel like I know her from somewhere, but I just can't put my finger on it. Then suddenly a lightbulb went off in my head. That was Onika!


A/N: I'm back and ready for action. Comment, vote, and don't forget to SPREAD THE PEACE MINDLESS CRAZIES. I'm such a huge Princeton fan.

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