I'm Ready to Forgive You.

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Onika Maraj


When I woke up this morning, I had no intention of getting out of bed because my stomach started hurting, so I laid there and started watching tv in pain, then my phone started ringing, oh how lovely😑(Note to sarcasm) I angrily got up only to get even more angry when I see the caller ID.

(Phone Convo)

Me: "What could you possibly want?" I said with attitude. August is really making me Mad, plus my stomach hurting like crazy.

August: "I just want to talk." He said all sad. Why is he sad I should be the one that's sad.

Me: "Look I don't have anything to say to you. Haven't you done enough damage?" I asked, about to start crying. No do not cry Nicki you have cried enough.

August: "I know, just give me one chance to at least make things right between us." He said begging for me to give him a chance. He really hurt me and I still can't bare to see his face.

August: "Please, just one chance?" He begged.

Me: "Just one chance, and if you mess up again, I'm ripping your head off." I said not joking at all.

August: "Cool, meet me at the play ground down the street from Tony's Pizzeria at five o'clock." He said giving me instructions.

Me: " Ok, see you at five." I said before hanging up.

(End of Phone Convo)

I can't believe I'm really giving him a chance. I looked at the clock, and it said 4:05, I still have a little more time before I meet him at the play ground, so I just started watching a quick movie.


I looked at the clock again and it was 5:15! So I hurried and attempted to run to the car, but failed miserably due to the pains I was having in my stomach. Honestly, I don't know why I'm going threw so much trouble to make it to the park to talk to August, I know I gave him a chance and everything and I kinda do forgive him, but I'm still mad as ever at him, and I'm still worried about what Morgan's going to say, she could be quite intimidating at times. Once I made it to the park I was out of breath and my stomach was killing me, then once I caught my breath I looked for August, and he was on the park bench so I started to walk over there towards him.

Me: "Hey August. Why did you want me to come meet you?" I said, not really interested in what he had to say.

August: "I wanted to apologize to you. I was wrong, I shouldn't have ever yelled at you or did any of those things I did to you I know I messed up and I let my anger get the best of me. You're a pretty girl, and pretty girls don't deserve to get yelled at, especially if it's not there fault. I was the one that got you pregnant so I should have been a man and accepted the fact that I got you pregnant. I'm sorry I did this to you at such a young age, and Nicki just know I'm ready to be a man, Im ready to be that baby's father, and also I still love you Nicki, and I never stopped. I know you're love for me is not there anymore, but I can't live with myself, knowing that you don't forgive me." He said, crying. I've never seen him cry, ever.

Me: "I think I'm ready to forgive you." I said. I just couldn't bare to see him cry.


A/N: And that's the end of this chapter I hope you enjoyed. I love feedback so feel free to comment, vote, and follow, also don't forget to SPREAD THE PEACE MINDLESS CRAZIES!! GOD BLESS!!

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