You Can Trust Me

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Morgan Martinez


Hello every one I'm Morgan, Onika's best friend, and I hate August Alsina. I hate him because of what he did to my best friend, that was just not cool. How in the world you gone deny your unborn baby, like where they do that at? I'm 'bout to go to the best place in the world which is TACO BELL. I hopped in my car and checked to see if I got everything, after I checked I was off to Taco Bell. When I got in the parking lot to Taco Bell this sorry excuse for a person gone just speed in front of me like speed racer, and just take my parking spot. I parked in a different spot not that far from where the person was, got out my car and calmly walked over there like a civilized person, and confronted her nicely.

Me: " Excuse me miss, I was just going to park there."I said calmly, hoping she won't say anything to make me snap.

Lady: " I know you was, but I wanted to park there, so I did."She said in a smart tone. Please don't let me snap on her.

Me: " There is plenty of other parking spots here for you to park in, so I don't even see why you had to speed in front of me like the flash and take this one."I said glaring at her, trying not to pounce on her.

Lady: " To tell you the truth I really don't care about what you're saying right now nor do I care about you so you can just leave me alone about the parking space because your not getting it. Bye!" She said with a lot of attitude. As she turned around to walk away I went to my car to get my golden brass knuckles. wait till I catch this lady outside it's about to go down.

I went in Taco Bell and ordered, hurried up and ate it, put my stuff in the trash, then went to my car, and I sat on the hood of it, waiting for her to come out of Taco Bell.

August Alsina


Finally it's my turn this dumb author was taking to long! (Shut up August I'm not dumb) You're right you're stupid. (You better shut up before I skip to Nicki's pov!) ok ok I'm sorry geez sensitive much?( What did I just say!) Ight I'm sorry. ( Good.) now that that's over I'm so happy Nicki forgave me, now I'm just waiting for her to love me again, then we can get back together. I called Nicki and asked can I come over she said yes so I packed some of my things I would need since I was planing on staying for tonight. I drove to her house and knocked on the door, what I was about to say and do was very important. When she answered she let me in and I cut right to the chase.

Me: "Nicki we need to talk." I said. She looked confuse.

Nicki: " Sheesh no hi? and what are you talking about." She asked.

Me: " Nicki I know you said you forgive me and we're friends and all that, but I want to be more than just friends."I said waiting for her to answer.

Nicki: " August I don't know if that's a good idea, I still haven't decided if I can trust you or not."She said unsure.

Me: " I promise you can trust me. Nicki I love you and the baby with all my heart. I know I hurt you in the past but can you please trust me. When I denied my child I was scared, scared to be a father. I knew it was mine I was just so nervous, so scared, and so confused. My mind didn't know how to react, then I started going crazy thinking that you cheated on me or something, so I became angry, and it took over. Please Nicki I would do anything to be with you again. I love you like crazy, and I feel so stupid because of what I did. Please Nicki will you be my other half again." I poured my heart out to her I couldn't bare to not be with her anymore.

Nicki: " Yes August I'll be your other half again." She said, with tears pouring down her face.

Me: " I love you, Onika Maraj."

Nicki: " I love you, August Alsina."

We both leaned in and shared the most passionate, love filled kiss I ever had in my life. I can't wait till I see my baby, I just know it's gone be the most beautiful baby ever. You know what I just noticed? I'm going soft I need to go see my homie Quan, I've been all up in my feelings to much.

20mins later at Quan house


When I got to Quan's house he was sitting on the porch with Trey and Chris.

Me: " What's up y'all." I said dapping them all.

All: " Sup A." They all said in unison.

Quan: " What made you show up all out of the blue?" Quan said.

Trey: " Yeah we haven't heard from you in a while." Trey added.

Me: " I just think I've been caught up in my feeling, and I'm going soft." I said.

Quan: " You wanna go to the club?"Quan said.

Me: " Sure only if I can bring my girl tho." I said, I wanted me and her to go on a fun date.

Quan: " That's cool." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

Chris: " WE FINNA GET TURNT UP!"Chris said scaring me a little. I forgot he was there.

Please tell me why I got a bad feeling about going to the club.


A/N: That's a rap. Tell me how you like this chapter vote, comment, and follow. What do you think is going down in the club, and what is going down at Taco Bell? 'Till next time SPREAD THE PEACE MINDLESS CRAZIES! GOD BLESS!!👼

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