Jacob Perez

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I started having a panic attack when he mentioned my parents. They are so abusive. I started thinking about the things that my parents did to me. It was like a whole flashback and I didn't like it, it was making me scared so I started screaming. By now I'm pretty sure Delilah and her dad thinks I'm crazy. I feel myself being lifted up then I blacked out because I was so scared.



I picked Jacob up and called the hospital. They said there on their way so I grabbed Delilah and rolled to the front entrance and soon heard an ambulance come. The paramedics put Jacob on a gurney and put him in the back of the vehicle. I couldn't go in there with him because of my wheel chair so I called my driver and told him to come to the front entrance of the mall I was in. When he got here he helped me in the car and gave Delilah to me. I buckled her in and he put my wheel chair in the back. I told him to hurry to the hospital and when we got there I quickly unbuckled me and Delilah and the driver ran to the trunk to get my wheel chair.

When we got in the hospital I quickly wheeled to the front desk with Delilah holding onto my neck.

Me: "Excuse me miss can you tell me where Jacob Perez is?" I asked her talking fast but understandably.

Lady:" Room 231." She said politely. I thanked her and wheeled to Jacobs room.

When I got there I opened the door and saw Jacob sleeping. Delilah got down and walked over to Jacob. She looked at him and held his hand.

Delilah: "I hope you feel better best fwiend." She said looking sad. I still want to know how she met Jacob. Probably when we went to the park that day.

2hours later


I let a tear escape my eye, what if he never wakes up. I held his hand this whole time and I'll never let go at least not until he wakes up. Another tear escape, I don't want to cry right now he told me about what his parents did to him and I knew how he was going to react when my dad mentioned them. Another tear escaped and they just kept on falling, I can't loose my best friend. I was full on crying by now and my daddy was holding me but I kept holding Jacob's hand, I refuse to let go, I'll only let go when he wakes up. I hugged daddy with one arm and held Jacob's hand with the other. When daddy stopped hugging me I went back to my original spot and continued holding his hand.

I'm still holding his hand waiting for him to wake up until suddenly I hear a light cough. Daddy heard it to so he called a nurse and I was practically smothering Jacob with hugs. The look on daddy's face is telling me to get down but I don't care. My best friend was passed out in a hospital bed and just now woke up, of course I'm gonna attack him with hugs.

Me: "Are you okway bwestie?" I asked Jacob still hugging him.

Jacob: "Yeah I'm fwine." He said hugging back. I smiled at him and he mirrored my expression, I'm so glad my bestie is ok.



I'm glad Jacobs ok but I still want to know why he had a panic attack like that after I mentioned his parents.

Me: "Jacob why did you have a panic attack?" I asked. He sighed and took a deep breath.

Jacob: "My pwarents are abwusive." He said while a tear slipped from his eye. How can somebody be so heartless, so cruel to abuse any child especially their own.


And that's a rap! tell me how you liked this chapter and know the only reason why my chapters are a little short is because I write either on my iPad or my iPhone so what seems like a lot to me might not seem like much to you and this was just a filler. Right now I'm writing on my phone so it might be even shorter. Anyway isn't Jacob and Delilah's relationship so cute maybe they will grow to be lovers, or they can just stay best friends. You choose.

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