Chapter 8

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Ahhh I'm so so sorry I've haven't updated in so long!!! So much was happening.

Is anyone enjoying this?

The sun rose, casting a colourful array of tones across the dim sky. The ocean lapped calmly against the shore as people gazed out in awe.

Lance, however, was fast asleep missing it all. Keith would wake him up but, one, Lance would probably hit him, two, they've got ages to gaze at sunsets, and three, Keith wouldn't be able to handle the lighting doing magical things to the Cubans already gorgeously sculptured features.

Keith was deep in thought about this date thing. He hadn't been on a date in ages, even then it was a disaster. It's a bit hard being gay and going out on the date with a girl you have absolutely no interest in. It's like getting lunch with your sister who then tries to make out with you. He leaned against the balcony with a sigh. His phone buzzed, sure enough, it was Leo.

"Can I pick you up at 11am?"

Keith replied after thinking through a bit.

"Sure, room ****"

"See you then!"

Keith didn't know how to feel. This guy seemed great, he just knew he didn't really have any interest in him I'm a romantic sense.

Keith glanced down at his watch "8:30am" he stepped back into their shared room and threw on a plain black shirt and his classic red board shorts. He decided to get breakfast alone.

Keith ordered a smoothie and fruit salad before settling down at a free table for two beside the window looking down the beach. His phone vibrated again.

"Wear something nice" Keith furrowed his eyebrows. He wasn't sure what that exactly meant but he guessed a simple shirt and board shorts didn't qualify.

Keith scanned his attire multiple times over. It was now 10:50am. Leo was bound to come anytime soon.

"Keith, What's the occasion? We're going fishing, not to a fashion show" Keith's head shot around to the door. Lance had gotten back from breakfast. He had a slight playful smirk as he checked out the boy's outfit head to toe.

"Oh, uh, I'm not going with you guys" Lance gave him a look of confusion. "Why?" He could've sworn the boys face dropped, his smile looked fake all of a sudden.

"I uh, have a.."

Rip the bandage off Keith

"I have a date"

There goes that look again. His face looked strained, his mouth pouting slightly, his eyes looked tired and his body looked slightly slumped. Lance tried to conceal his emotions but they were all crashing down on him. He felt all his chances were lost.

"Oh, have fun"

Even the tone of his voice was sounded distant and lost.

A knock signalled that his date was here. Keith stepped past his friend, both their heads hung low, avoiding eye contact. The air was thick as Lance held his breath. The door shut, everything spilled out.

Keith swore he could hear crying as he walked away with Leo's arm wrapped around his shoulder.

They drove around in Leo's mustang for a while before arriving at a cinema. Leo got them tickets to a rom-com.

Lance likes rom-com's

Shit, I can't think of Lance while I'm on a date.

They stood at the snack bar. Keith was eyeing up the ice-cream menu.

Chocolate, mint, wild berry, mango, salted caramel

Lance likes Salted Carame— fuck Keith stop

Keith couldn't stop thinking about Lance, it was like now they were apart his mind wanted nothing more than he with the Cuban boy he desires.

"Let's go" Keith looked up in surprise to see Leo's hands holding two wine glasses. The blue-haired boy started walking away, he carried himself proudly. Keith followed after him feeling a little uncomfortable and out of place as they walked towards the VIP lounge area.

Keith wanted to speak up and say

"This is the VIP section, shouldn't we go back?" But as they got to the security guard the boy simply looked at the guard and they were instantly let through with a simple nod.

Keith didn't know what to say. He wasn't use to this scene. There were too many rich people glaring him up and down. Suddenly he felt underdressed and scruffy.


"Lance, I know your boyfriend isn't here but try to enjoy this experience"

"Shut up, Veronica" There was no malice found in Lances tone, only defeat. His eyes cast down as his hands gripping the fishing rode. His shoulders were slumped and his lips dipped down.

Veronica frowned and sat beside her brother. They were sat on a large rock on the shoreline, the water slowly creeping in for high tide.

"You know I'm always here for you right?" She began as she glanced at her brother with a worried look.

"I know" He mumbled tiredly.

"And you know I'll always support you and Keith"

Lance's face shot around with a confused expression.

"Don't look at me like that, I know you two have a thing" She smiled softly, a genuine smile.

"We don't have a thing" The Latino boy mumbled, his gaze falling back to the ocean.

"pfft, I've seen the way he looks at you. He looks at you like your pure gold, you do too, literally anytime you look in the mirror and you look at him like that too" Veronica snickered

"Hey!" He pushed her playfully "he does not"

"Yep! He does, it's so cute I could vomit"

"Does he really?" Lance questioned, a hint of hopefulness in his voice.

"Definitely! You should ask him out" His sister encouraged.

"He's on a date though" Lance frowned again, his hope diminishing.

"Nothing is official yet" She pointed out with a smirk.

"Maybe I will then" Lance smiled giddily at the waves crashing even closer to their position by the shore.

"LANCE, VERONICA, THE TIDES COMING IN LETS GO" Their parents yelled from further down a shore.

Lance smiled as he wound up his rode before the two siblings headed off down the rocks in a comfortable silence.

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