Chapter 16

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Levy POV

"Okay! Are you guys ready for the 4 battles that will take place this after noon?!" Called out Makarov excitedly.

"We'll be having: Alzack vs Bisca, Lisanna vs Bixlow, Elfman vs Evergreen and the one that everyone's been waiting for... GAJEEL VS LEVY!"

He shouted enthusiastically.

Porlusica stared at him, then at the cheering crowd and sighed. "This is why I hate humans."

The crowd sweat dropped.

"O-okay," Interrupted Makarov. "Anyways... Let's begin!"

Well, we had an interesting start...

Bisca lost the first battle, much to the joy of the guys.

"Sorry..." She muttered as she walked over to us.

"It wasn't your fault." Admonished Erza. "I should have helped you train even more. You have my permission to hit me."

We all sweat dropped. "Uh..."

"It's my turn now!" Cheered Lisanna. "I can't wait!"

"Have fun." Smiled Mira.



Lisanna was fighting valiantly. She sent out her spirit tiger.

Then Bixlow sent out his exploding minions, but instead of attacking, they swarmed her tiger, zipping around, confusing her until she couldn't do a thing.

"Argh..." She growled to herself. "Tigress! Destroy your foes!"

The giant tiger swiped her long claws towards the minions general direction, slicing 3 of them in half and bring another 2 down, leaving 4 swarming it's head.

"Yes!" She beamed. "Take that!"

Bixlow just smirked and sadly shook his head, "You did well with those three," He admitted, guesturing at the butchered wooden creatures, scattered on the terrain. "But, those two? You didn't completely destroy them meaning they're live bombs that could explode right-"

Before he could finish the two creatures exploded, flinging the tiger back and creating a deep, crevice.

"-Now." He sighed. "And now, you're completely defenceless. Goodbye." He smirked, his tongue sticking out just as his 'babies' went to finish the job.

"Ugh..." Hissed Lisanna as his creations came zooming towards her and her tigress. "Crap, no, I can't lose! I just... Can't."

She took a deep, breath and suddenly released an enormous amount of power, blowing back both Bixlow and his minions. A bright light filled the arena.

"I. Won't. Lose... To the likes... Of... YOU!!!" She screamed, her firey spirit almost visible. "I've walked the path of the noble Tigress, the fierce Lioness, the proud Eagle. They've lent me their strength just as so many others did. I will not let their teachings go to waste!"

Behind her apparations of quick and fierce cheetas, protective and motherly grizzlies, lithe and pettite gazelles and almost any animal you could think of, whether land, sea or sky.

"These mothers of our planet Earthland helped us, brought us this far, so now I will honour them and have my revenge!"

"How does getting your revenge honour them?" Asked Bixlow skeptically.

Lisanna just looked at him like: STFU.

In retrospect, angering Lisanna wasn't exactly the smartest move ever...

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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