Safe At Last

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Llesynia walks past Moe and into his room "hey I didn't say you could come in here!"  Moe says "but you're gonna save me right!?!.... don't you want to be my hero!?!"  Syn replies as she looks around the room while putting on a pair of latex gloves and searches through everything "man are you planning on making a blanket or something out of all this hair!?!"  she asks as she picks up a box that was laying on a shelf inside the closet.... "oh look the cavalry has finally arrived!.... it's about god damn time Lamb!.... what did you have to go see the wizard before coming here or somethin!?!"  Syn asks with a hint of sarcasm in her tone when she sees the sheriff walk towards the room and stand behind Mercer with his hands on his hip Logan laughs as he continues to listen in "Moe's out of GHB but I'm sure Mercer has plenty in his room somewhere.... only an idiot would keep the evidence in plain sight Moe!"  Syn says Lamb and his deputies take Moe and Mercer away but before Lamb gets too far he hears Syn say "Logan was also listening.... probably still is so if he.... just let him ok!?!... oh and sorry about the bloodstains!"  Syn ends with a low shout Lamb nods as he roughly pushes Mercer out of the room, then the building and towards his sheriff's car.... Logan could no longer hear anything as Syn presses the end button on her phone "she really does know me all to well don't she!?!"  Logan mutters to himself as he shakes his head at what he just heard.... Eli takes Syn to the station so that she could give her statement and let them keep her switchblade that has Mercer's blood on it since it was considered self defense she didn't get any jail time this time and Eli was allowed to take her home right into the arms of Logan Echolls who never let her go even after they went to bed.... there was no sex just a lot of cuddling that night.... after dropping Carrie off at Parker's Eli had to get back to work he was halfway reluctant to leave Veronica but knew she was safe with a friend so he left after giving her a few kisses.... which Parker found adorable.... Parker and Veronica drove Carrie to the hospital and spent the rest of the evening there watching over her room.... when Logan woke up the next day he found a picture of Moe and Mercer in a very familiar looking camo and stripped shirt on the kitchen island and mutters to himself "it's Rafe and Horshack all over again!"  he let Syn sleep because he knew that she knew what he was about to do and left the suite to do it.... when Syn did wake up she headed down to the station once she walks in she shouts to Lamb and Sacks "when you know who's done playing hero would you be so kind as to tell him he's made bail?!"  Lamb looks over at her and chuckles Sacks just looks confused as Lamb nods towards the holding cell area then he starts to understand and goes to get Logan.... once Logan walks out of the Holding Cell he sees Syn and smiles as she rushes into his arms and kisses him "my hero!"  she says with a soft southern drawl "now! let's go home so you can get your reward!"  she adds as she hops down, takes his hand and leads him out of the station.... when they got home he most certainly DID get a reward in tenfold every form of sexual fantasy everyone has ever had was played out in every way imaginable.... Logan never knew that Syn was capable of half the things she did to him as they played them all out.... luckily it was a Saturday and they had not only that day but one day after to continue on their sexual adventure on every area of one anothers body.... which they did only taking breaks for food, drink, bathroom and sleep....

 which they did only taking breaks for food, drink, bathroom and sleep

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