||Chapter 1||

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 You woke up to a loud bang. 'Oh lord help me'

"What the hell are ya doin' ?" you said groggily. You sat up and tiredly rubbed your eyes. Your best friend's head whipped back and she smiled sheepishly. Your best friend was Charlotte Price, or Charlie as you called her. She had hazel eyes, light brown hair and tan skin. She also had a constellation  of freckles dotting her face. "The mornin' bell hasn't even rung yet. And ya start work half an hour afta' me" you got up and started to get ready. If you're already up, might as well be productive "I wanna get to work early. Plus, if the boys catch me up here again, I'm dead" she reminded you "Ya know da boys love you." you stated. "I'm not talking about your boys" you know who she was referring to. Her idiot brothers. They were a nightmare to live with. And they weren't big fans of you and the boys "Why do ya still even work at the wretched factory? I know the work here ain't glamorous, but it's a hell lot betta' than at the factory" your accent was dripping though your words. You didn't usually talk with an accent, but it constantly shone through in the morning. "You know why I can't quit" you rolled your eyes as you pulled your vest over your shirt. You slipped on your newsie hat "Yeah yeah yeah" you had tried to convince her to come live with you and the guys, but you always got the same response 'My foster parents own the factory, and as long as I'm under their roof, I work as a slave' her foster parents were the worst of the worst. They treated her as a servant and not a daughter.

She started to put on her tattered jacket and was about to leave, when you grabbed her wrist "You have an hour and a half left. You can stay a little longer" you begged her. She gave you an apologetic look and said "[Your name]....." "Come on. Stay. Drink with me. Up here in my 'mansion' I promise ya won't be late." you convinced her. Her hazel eyes lit up at the mention of booze. As much of a cinnamon roll she may be, she had a soft spot for liquor. You smirked in victory. You knew you had gotten her "Fine. One drink." she caved. You opened a cabinet and took out the bottle of champagne. She handed you the glasses, and you poured in the cold drink. You raised your glasses "To our friendship. To the days like this. And to the life we'll live once we get out" you toasted. "Cheers" she said. You both raised your glasses to your lips and took a gulp. 

You slammed your glass onto the table, and she did the same. "Where did you even get this from? It looks hella expensive." she inspected her drink "Medda was having a grand opening for her last show. I got in and snagged the bottle." you explained. She chuckled at your antics, but it wasn't anything new. "When we escape, we won't have ta be stealin' booze. We're gonna have it served to us on a silver platter." She rolled her eyes "You're insane. We're never gonna escape" you shook your head "Get out of my mansion with that attitude. Come back when you start acting like my best friend again" she shot her drink and stood up. Your eyes shot open and you grabbed her wrist "Ay I was jokin'. Sit down" she smirked "I know" You two had dreamed about escaping all your lives. You had no clue where you were going, but if it was as far away from New York  as possible, it would suffice. And if you got fame and fortune. What? You were very ambitious. You loved making money. Not in the way Hearst and Pulitzer made it, on the blood, sweat and tears of other kids. But with your own. You knew you had to work hard for everything you had and you were willing to go through with everything. Charlie on the other hand just wanted to get away from her family. She didn't care where she would go as long as she got treated fairly. She didn't mind the work, she just wanted to be treated like a person. 

You two sat back down and started to talk "And we will escape" you stated. She gave you a disbelieving look"Oh will ya stop bein' so pessimistic." you groaned. She sighed sadly and started staring off into to the distance. You draped your arms around her shoulders. "And once we do? You'll never worry about that goddamn factory again" she cocked an eyebrow "How did ya know that's what I was thinking about?" "I'm your best friend. It's my job ta know" she smiled kindly at you. You leaned your head on her shoulder, and she leaned her head on yours. You looked through the windows of your 'mansion'

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