Chapter 19 - Ghost Town

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At school whenever Ryder got a chance he would try to convince me to spend the night at his house because he said my screaming during the night was very alarming. Everytime he begged, I said no. I needed to be alone tonight since I was going to sneak into Heather's house and delete the picture from her camera roll.

After I threatened to punch him as hard as I could in the place that it would hurt most, he finally stopped pestering me.

While putting on black tights and a black hoodie, I laughed at the memory of the fear on his face when I threatened him. I'm glad he hasn't bothered me since then even though it's only been a few hours. Hopefully he doesn't see me leaving my house because I know he might try to stop me from doing what I'm about to do.

Grabbing my mini black backpack, I shoved a flashlight, my phone, and house keys into it and hurried out the door.

Opening the front door I stepped out into the cold, dark night. It's 11:30pm so I expect Ryder to be playing video games or doing something that wouldn't involve him to look out the window and see me.

Even though I've only started walking, everything is going to plan.

Well that is until I hear Ryder's front door open and him shout my name.

Frozen in my tracks, Ryder ran across the street to me. "Where are you going?"

Rolling my eyes I continued to walk on, "none of your business."

I didn't even have to look back to know he was trailing behind me. "Can I drive you to where ever you're going? It's not safe to walk alone out here at night — plus you look like a robber wearing all that black so if cops were to drive pass you then good luck behind bars, Princess."

"Hey maybe I should let you get arrested or kidnapped because then this would be like super Mario bros! Get it because you're a princess and–''

I turned around to face him and he crashed into me, causing me to stumble a little backwards. "If I get caught doing what I'm about to do then that means you would also get caught if you drove me. And I can't have that happen." I said sternly but he didn't leave me alone.

"Tell me what you're going to do and I'll leave."

"I just need to get into someone's house. They have a picture of me and I need to get their phone and delete it. If you think of stopping me Ryder I swear to god I will–''

"Count me in." is all he said as he dangled his car keys in my face.

I swatted his hand and car keys away from me like a bee and he laughed in amusement. At this point I realized telling him no was just wasting time and not going to change anything so I agreed and we walked over to his car and got in.

"Address?" he asked me, turning on the ignition.

"Uh..." my attention fell to his hand that rested dangerously close to my thigh. I couldn't focus as we pulled out of his driveway and started driving. He drives a stick shift Porsche which means he has to change settings on the gearstick often as we drive. Everytime he was done maneuvering the gearstick he would rest his hand closer and closer to my thigh, making me feel hot all over.

"Princess I need the address in order to continue driving." he said, making me snap back into reality.

"Oh right right. It's 27 Arch Avenue."

He winked at me, "ok thanks."

"You don't have to wait for me, Ryder. I can walk home–''

"Hell no," he cut me off, "if I'm driving you there then best believe I will drive you back."

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