Chapter 29 [PART 2] - Be Mine

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"I'm almost ready!" Autumn shouted from the bathroom.

I sighed, "ok."

My watch read 5:30 so it's taken her about an hour to get ready, hopefully not that much longer.

Currently, I'm wearing a white shirt, nice jacket, jeans, and fancy shoes. I tired to comb my hair back but it's a little messy. Oh well, I tried my best.

My stomach grumbled as the smell of food from the restaurants below our balcony came to my senses.

Does it really take girls this long to get ready–

"I'm done." Autumn announced from the balcony door.

I turned around to face her quickly, but stoped when I took in her presence.

"Woah...." I whispered mostly to myself.

Her hair was curled from before. She had red lipstick on. The mascara she wore made her blue eyes look dark, mysterious, and sexy. She had on a white coat, a red bandage dress and red heels.

Wow she really went all out, huh.


She suddenly got self conscious. "What? Am I overdressed? I'm sorry I bought this with Grace today and I-''

"Stunning." I cut her off. "You look stunning."

"Oh," she blushed. "T-Thank you."

I smiled at her. I loved when she stuttered. It was so cute.

It's hard to think that I'm opening up this quickly. I may not say everything I'm thinking but I was really opening up about her and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Come on, princess," I grabbed her hand. "Let's go."


Since both of us were dressed up, we decided to go to a fancy restaurant called Favion's. It's a Mexican restaurant close to the hotel.

"So..." I scanned the menu, "what are you going to get?"

"Hmmm, I'm not sure. What about you?"

"Enchiladas probably."

She smiled at me. "Ok, me too."


"Copy much?" I smirked.

"Actually I'm not good at choosing what I want, so I let the other person order first then I just get what they get." Autumn told me after taking a sip of her Coca Cola.

"Ah, I see."

The waiter came by and asked what we both wanted to eat.

When he was gone, we stared at each other for a couple minutes. I analyzed her by the way the oceans in her eyes rocked. She looked so vulnerable and I just felt it was the right time to say what needed to be said.



"You promise you won't get mad, worried, or scared? I have something to say."

Now she looked worried. Of course.


I took a deep breath in. "On the night of Halloween, you know how you asked me to pick you up from that party?"

Her fingers were tapping on her knee. "Um yeah."

"You told me that you were umm... that you were raped by your ex boyfriend. Is that true?"

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