Chapter 29 [PART 1] - The Thought of Her

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AUTHORS NOTE: Two part chapter! This one is pretty short but part two will be a much longer chapter.


Damn. I should've never kissed her back.

Because the only thing I can think about is her lips against mine.

I licked my lips slowly as my eyes scanned the people far below me, scurrying in the streets of New York.

No matter how loud the cacophony of cars honking their horns was below me, it wasn't enough to make me not hear my thoughts. The view of the city from where I stand on the balcony is not enough to make me not see her every time I blink.

I've always heard stories about your first kiss with the girl you like; how it's supposed to be the most amazing feeling ever. I've had a girlfriend before and we kissed, but it was nothing like Autumn. Absolutely nothing compared to Autumn.

The taste of her lips was something unreal, like a fantasy.

The moment my lips touched hers, I felt like Cupid struck one of his arrows through my chest.

I'm totally hooked. I don't even want to admit that but it's true.

Her lips were already intoxicating enough, I can't imagine what the rest of her would taste like...

"Jesus Christ," I whispered huskily as I raked a hand through my messy brown hair. The fact that my voice was rough just by thinking about the taste of her was bad.

Really bad.

I bet if I never kissed her back, I wouldn't have felt stronger feelings for her.

A part of me wanted to feel harder for her. Because giving her my all would be worth it, I can just feel it.

She's worth it to me.

But how do I show her? How do I show her that- oh, I know. Girls like romantic outings, presents, and surprises...right?

What's wrong with me? I've never wanted to give a girl something so badly.

What is this feeling?

Today, every student was allowed to venture the city and do what they wanted. It's currently 4:40pm. Autumn hasn't been with her friends because she's been hanging out with me all of the trip. I think they went out shopping but she is supposed to be back pretty soon.

Do you think she talked about me to her friends? Girls gossip and tell each other everything...right?

I smiled to myself. That would be cute if she talked about me.

"Don't leave the balcony door open while you're out here. It gets too cold in the room!" An irritated voice from behind me demanded.

I smiled, but remained leaning on the balcony railing with my body towards the city beyond us.

"Did you hear me?" Autumn asked sternly.

"Yes ma'am-''

My eyes widened and my throat closed up when I got a good look at her.

Her brown hair was curled into ringlets; they rested on her chest, shoulders, and back. Even though her arms were crossed on her chest, she still managed to carry several shopping bags. A very light pink gloss coated her soft lips, making them sparkle every time she spoke.

"What flavor lip gloss is that?" I asked her and she raised an eyebrow, surprised at my question.

"S-Strawberry." She stuttered.

Licking my lips, I nodded.

Mmm, strawberry...

What the actual hell is wrong with me right now? That's so creepy like who ask that kind of question?

Well, me apparently.

"I really like how you did your hair. It's pretty." I noted and continued to stare.

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and slyly smiled, "thanks."

I smirked to myself. She was nervous.

I made her nervous.

Slowly, I took a step closer to the doorway where she was standing. She made no attempt to step back.

"What did you buy?"

She shrugged. "Stuff."

Not much of a talker, huh. "That's cool," I replied leisurely.


"I wanna take you somewhere." I said in a rushed way, anxious to hear her reply.

Her eyes smiled at me as they lit up. "Where?"


"Around the city. I mean, you went out with your friends but you won't go out with me-''

"I was going to say yes, idiot." She giggled, the ringlets bouncing on her shoulders.

My heart beat picked up when I heard her laugh. It was the most adorable thing ever. Why haven't I noticed how amazing it is before? When was the last time she even laughed?

My lips stretched into an overly excited smile. "Great! I already showered when you were gone so you can go ahead and shower. I'll wait."

"Ok," she smiled as she walked inside our hotel room.

I watched Autumn walk away. Something about this girl made me feel better, like everything in the world was right when she was in my presence.

Usually, I don't like waiting on people. But for Autumn, I will wait. Even if she takes forever to get ready like most girls, I will wait.

I sighed, for her.

Oh damn, am I whipped?


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