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Enjoy this little extra chapter!


~ Flashback to highschool ~

I smirked. "Pfft. I'm always right."

Ryder laughed. "Don't get too cocky. Watch this dilemma happen to you when you start dating."

"Easy way to avoid that my friend: I don't date."

"That's not what you will say when you meet the perfect girl."

I winked. "We'll see about that."

I remember that day like it was yesterday. It only happend the other week though. Ryder and Autumn were in a dilemma so he came to me for emotional support and advice.

He always warned me what it felt like to fall in love.

I never wanted that. I never want some girl to have power over me like that.

"Brandon?" someone said from behind me.

In a flash, I turned to face whoever was speaking.

When I took in to realization of who it was, I sighed. "Oh, it's just you."

She frowned, crossing her arms like a pouty toddler. "I thought you would be more happy to see someone like me."

My eyebrows furrowed. Someone like her.

Taylor sat next to me. The bench creaked slightly when her petite body pressed down on it.

Her curled hair bounced in the wind. The color of her hair reminded me of butterscotch.

The silence thickened. Feeling embarrassed at how close we were, I scooted over a little bit.

"Um," I cleared my throat, "is there something you wanted, Tay?"

She shrugged. "You looked lonely. I thought you wanted some company."

I blinked. "Oh."

It was lunch time at Willington High, everyone eating either with a group or on their own. I decided to eat alone instead of with Ryder and my other friends because Ryder was probably chasing after Autumn as usual.

Now thinking about it, I can't even remember how he acted before he met Autumn. She changed him for the better, and I appreciate her for that.

But damn, if the boy wasn't love-struck.

Like I said earlier, I don't wanna fall in love.

My eyes slowly traced every part of Taylor.

I don't want to be in love...

I don't want to be in love...

I don't...

You know when you say something over and over again and then it starts to sound old?

She nudged the side of my arm and the skin she touched felt on fire. It felt...good.

I pulled my arm away from her though.

"Why aren't you with your friends?" I asked her coldly, looking the other way.

"They're your friends too, you know."

I huffed, rolling my eyes. "I don't want to hangout with all the girls."

She blinked. Her green eyes stirring. "Then why didn't you leave when I showed up?"

We looked at eachother in silence. I couldn't speak. I felt trapped under her daring gaze. She was too much for someone like me.

Dangerous, her eyes warned.

"Because you're one girl," I managed to say. "I can tolerate one girl."

She stood up. Her skirt rose up high, almost giving me view of her perfectly round ass.

I lost breath, blushed madly and looked away. Oh, god.

She didn't notice my blush. "So you can tolerate one girl, huh?"

I stood up, challenging her. "Yes, ma'am."

Before I could stop her, in a flash, she grabbed my favorite green pen. I just realized now that it was the exact same color as her eyes.

"Hey, give it back!" I tried grabbing it but it was no use.

"You're going to have to chase me!" She giggled madly, running away from me.

A smirk crept onto my lips. "How old are you, five?!" I yelled, her figure getting farther and farther away.

I could still hear her giggles. "Maybe!!"

Oh, man, this girl.

I tied my shoes tighter and in an instant, I started chasing after her.

"I'm going to get you!" I cheered, as I chased her down the school court yard.

As I ran, I realized I was chasing after a girl. The exact opposite of what I've ever wanted to do.

But I didn't stop running. The chase was too much of a thrill.

But in the end, I wasn't even running for my pen.

I was running for her.

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