Chapter 38 - The Enemy Saves the Day

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Dribbling the ball down the court, I passed the ball between my legs to confuse Brandon, but he didn't fall for it.

Easily, he grabbed the ball from me, took his shot, and made it.

"Yes!" he cheered. Usually it's me who always shoots on him, but today is just not my day.

"Dammit," I cursed under my breath, annoyed that I haven't been able to make any of the shots I've taken.

Brandon held the ball against his side and looked at me with concern. "What's up with you?"

"When I look at you, all I see is what happend that night, Ryder. All I see is you kissing Heather!"

"I still love you, but I wish I didn't."

I shivered and shut my eyes tightly, trying to forget what Autumn said to me the other night.

I've been waiting for Autumn to finally allow me to speak to her and tell her the truth. It's been a week and a half since I talked to her in the kitchen at night and that was the last time we talked. I thought after that night for sure she would talk to me, but I was wrong.

"Is the reason you're failing miserably have to do with a special someone?" Brandon asked, reading my mind.

I nodded.

He sighed and tossed the basketball to the ground.

I balled my hands into fist, trying to hold back tears. "She...she said she wish she didn't love me." Damn, I feel like a total loser. Usually it's the girl who cries over the guy but here I am, crying over her.

"I understand why she's been holding off on talking to you. She's hurt, Ryder. You know that it wasn't your fault, and that Heather came onto you. But what she saw is different. Autumn saw you kissing not only the biggest slut at our school, but the girl that hates her. You can't blame her for misunderstanding what she saw. And of course she wasn't going to believe you when it happened because of all the emotions she felt. But when the time comes, she will be ready to talk," Brandon told me and I listened to every word. He was really good at getting through to me.

I wiped a tear away and brushed away the hairs that fell in front of my eyes. "O-Ok. You're right."

Giving her time is what really stresses me out. Our whole twelth grade is dependent on our project, and if we don't make up before then, then I don't know how we're going to present it.

And also because college is around the corner. I can't have things left unsaid. I just really wish Autumn will come around sooner rather than later. But if Brandon says I should give her time then I probably should.

He smirked. "Pfft. I'm always right."

I laughed. "Don't get too cocky. Watch this dilemma happen to you when you start dating."

"Easy way to avoid that my friend: I don't date."

"That's not what you will say when you meet the perfect girl."

Brandon winked. "We'll see about that."

He passed me the ball, and I was back in the game.


I looked at the clock. We only had five minutes left in math class, but it felt like just five minutes ago we were starting the class.

Time felt like it was going by way faster than usual, and I was aware of that now.

I was just about to pack up my things when my phone buzzed.

Picking it up, I looked at the name of the person who texted me.

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