Authors Note (more chapters coming)

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****Before you get any ideas, last chapter was NOT the final chapter. Don't worry, there are still more chapters to come. This is just a quick note.

AUTHORS NOTE: Ok so I have a few things to say so PLEASE read this.

First off, I want to say I really appreciate everyone that votes for my chapters, it makes me happy. I never actually thought people would read & enjoy my stories, but to my suprise people actually do! I'm glad everyone that is still reading this book likes it. And the fact that this book is already at 1.52k reads....WHATTT?? That's amazing! I know it's not a huge number compared to other books, but it's a lot for me and I really appreciate it. Also being ranked #3 out of 1,000+ books in the category "scars" is so exciting and shocking. So yeah thank youuuu 💕💗💞💘

Secondly, I feel like I keep apologizing for not publishing more often, but I really am so sorry I don't publish more chapters as frequently as I should. Lately (due to school and other things) I have been really busy, which gives me little time to write more chapters. This book means a lot to me so I try to write at every given opportunity. So if I haven't uploaded in a long time, please do not think I have given up or forgot about this story- because I haven't and will not, I'm just really busy so I apologize for that.

Another reason why I'm slow at creating more chapters: I actually am working on two more stories that are in the genera romance. So if you like "Broken Until You", then I'm postive you will absolutely love my upcoming stories. I will be publishing them AFTER I'm done with "Broken Until You", which will be some time later this year because there are still a lot of chapters for "Broken Until You". So in that case, I just wanted to let everyone know about my upcoming books because they will be romances (which everyone likes...right?😉).

And finally I'm just going to be honest, I have absolutely no plot for the character Heather Valentine. If you remember her, she's the girl who hates Autumn Cross for no reason. I don't know why I put her in the book, maybe because I thought she would be important later on? Also the character Derek Lawson is irrelevant at this point lol, but both of these characters will (probably) appear in some future chapters.

THANK YOU for reading this authors note. Stay tuned for more chapters!!😚

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