Chapter 25 - Ofcourse, We're Roomates

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Ahh, the first day of winter break.

Since the day I heard about the chance to go to New York for the break, I've been overly excited. With my suitcase in one hand and my plane ticket and ID in the other, I was ready to go.

"Aren't you excited Ruby?!" I exclaimed as we boarded the bus that was going to drive us to the airport. The bus was able to hold six seats in each row, three on the left side and three on the right side, so I sat with Lila and Ruby.

"Hell yes! This is going to be the best two weeks ever. We are going to visit every place we possibly can!!"

"Don't forget the night clubs!" Lila chimed in.

Ruby and I both looked at her with straight faces. "We aren't old enough and plus we would get in serious trouble with the teachers for even walking near one." Ruby stated.

Lila crossed her arms over her chest and frowned, "hmph, you both are no fun!"

I held my arms up in surrender, "hey Ruby said it not me."

For a minute more or so the three of us continued to squeal in excitement until the bus driver spoke.

"Is that everyone?"

My history teacher, Mr. Evans, scanned the clipboard with each students' name that is going on the trip. "Yeah I think that's everyon-''

"Wait!" someone yelled from outside the bus.

Everyone looked to see who it was.

Ryder boarded the bus, "I'm the last one."

Of course. Of course it had to be HIM!!

This whole trip was to get away from my father and to take some time away from Ryder and think about my feelings and all that crap.

But now that he's here...ugh.

My whole plan, ruined.

"I thought you said you weren't coming!" I muttered to him as he walked passed my row.

He winked, "change of plans!"

I sunk into my seat and groaned. Why is he even here? To make my life miserable? Proabably.

Thank you life for becoming even more challenging than before. I really appreciate it.


Finally after one hour of going through security and three hours of waiting, we were finally able to board the plane.

Like the bus ride, I was able to sit with Ruby and Lila and Ryder sat with Grace and her boyfriend, Jake.

There's really no need to explain the plane ride. All I did was watch movies, listen to music, and sleep.

After we landed and got our bags we drove to our hotel which was located in Times Square.

As I looked out the window of the bus, I was able to see all the busiling people trying to get to their destination. The windows were open a little so I could smell all certain types of street foods. Everywhere you looked there were gigantic skyscrapers, some taller than others.

After a long bus ride we finally made it to our hotel. As my feet hit the pavement, I let out a huge gasp.

The hotel from the outside was super fancy. It had a red carpet leading to the lobby entrance. Golden poles were planted along on either side of the carpet so no commoners could step on it. Two body gaurds stood on either side of the golden railings.

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