Chapter 27 - We're Both Broken, You Know

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I let out an exhausted sigh as my back hit the bed.

Finally, we're back at the hotel.

Today is only day two and I'm already exhausted.

We had to walk five miles all the way to Central Park. Not just there, we had to also walk five miles back to the hotel. Yes, ten miles through hectic streets. I swear New York drivers are crazy; I almost got run over like eight times in the same minute! They never look if people are walking and every two seconds someone has to honk for no good reason. I even saw a driver honk at an old lady and she took her cane and hit the front of the car repeatedly. It was hilarious! I never knew old people could be so violent!

"Whatcha thinking about?" Ryder asked as he flopped onto his bed.

"The old lady we saw today, remember, she hit the taxi with her cane?"

Ryder looked at me, his face was serious. "That was my Grandma."

My mouth opened in shock, "really?!?!"

He laughed and put his hands behind his head. "No."

"Of course it wasn't," I rolled my eyes. "She was totally badass."

He turned his body to face me. "Huh? What's that supposed to mean? That I'm not badass?"

"Pretty much."

"Shut up, you know that's not true. I'm totally badass."

Wow he is so defensive.

"Stop arguing with me. I made it clear that you aren't so deal with it."

He made a 'hmph' noise and crossed his arms over his chest. Wow he's so pouty, just like a baby.

"It's 6:00pm," Ryder noted as he checked the time on his phone. "We need to be downstairs in the lobby at 7:00pm."

Ugh. I forgot we had to go to the broadway show Wicked tonight. Sure that sounds amazing but after walking ten miles, I'd rather just sleep and chill in the room.

"You can get ready, I'm not going."

Ryder sat up from his laying position. "Why not?"

"Ryder, the ten miles we had to walk today almost killed me; well it almost killed my legs but still. I just want to stay here but please go."

Ryder studied me but said nothing which started to creep me out.

""W-What!?" I snapped.

"Why did you even come on this trip? You don't want to do anything. Did you even enjoy Central Park today?"

I sat up from my laying position and put my legs criss-crossed. "I'm sorry I'm such a buzzkill. I enjoy this trip but I'm just so exhausted. And to be honest, I wasn't that excited to go on this trip. I mostly came to escape."

Ryder's eyes challenged mine, trying to figure me out. "What do you mean you came to escape?"

"Um...nothing. I just wanted to leave our town for a little while." I lied. I couldn't tell Ryder I only came on this trip to get away from Michael.

"Ok," Ryder said as he picked up the phone that belonged to the room. "I understand."

I watched him curiously as he pressed different numbers. "What are you doing?"

"Ordering room service, duh."

I took the phone out of his hands. "No. Don't Ryder I'm serio-''

He grabbed the phone back easily. His brown eyes captured mine in a second and swallowed me whole. "I'm serious too. I'm going to stay with you. We can order room service and watch movies and hangout."

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